8.]Pestering Menace

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My jaw clenched as I walked away from her. I threw a box down, the collision of it being loud enough for the entire room to hear. I took a deep breath and sat myself down. I stared intently at Serenity from across the room, us being without one another was not going to work, for me especially. Just when I was believing I'd be okay even for a little while without her, here I am failing once again to keep my patience. I love her, so much, I just can't fight myself. I can control everything else except for the love I have for her. I knew this would happen to me, I could feel my veins nearly about to burst from my arms the way my blood was pumping. I just wanted to grab her voluptuous body, aggressively in a way and dominate her into oblivion, in so many ways asides from the sensual matter. Knowing that she's with Malcolm now, I didn't know how to take it honestly. I thought something else would come about of sorts if she found another guy, but not her mental health nurse, yet I could see why they had a foundation of solidity. They seemed golden for one another in a helpful lovely way. I on the other hand would only kill her for the rest of her life with my presence and pain of being a psycho like she said, basically.

As my thoughts began to go away, the new guy walked up to me and sat right beside me. I softer my expression and looked at him, wondering what this kid wanted.

"Wassup with you man?" He asked.

"Uh nothing, what's the deal?" I questioned back.

"Seems like you having a rough day man, how bout we take a break." He stated. I nodded my head at his words, standing up as we walked out of the room.

"My name's Bobby by the way." He said.

"I'm Jacob. Where'd you come from?" I asked.

"A plethora of places man, I just settled here though." Bobby said.

"Hmm okay, have you talked to or met anyone else? You been eyeing the women we work with?" I joked with him, lightening my spirit.

"Nah, not really but we do work with some beautiful women especially that one who walked in late. Man, she looks precious." Bobby said, referring to Serenity. I smiled at the word precious, because that's exactly what she was.

"Yeah." I said, barely audible.

"She taken?" Bobby asked.

"Uhm yeah." I said.

"Aww you already got ahold on her huh man? I see you." Bobby chuckled.

"Yes sir, but we're trying to hash things out." I said.

"Oh okay, well I hope it works out. She seems like a nice little woman." Bobby said.

"You say that like she's old," I laughed. "But it seems as if you have a lot of respect for women, she deserves it." I said.

"Of course I do, but anyways man we should get back to work. Just chill them nerves of yours, alright?" Bobby said.

"No sweat, I hear you." I said.

After we talked after a while we headed back into the warehouse, as to where everyone was now packing their things up. I proceeded to pack my station up to, since the girls were done they began to walk out. I stood patiently waiting for them all to pass me, before Serenity passed, first came Ariel who bumped into me hard, Serenity furrowed her eyebrows. She looked at me and gave me a soft smile, letting me go out of the door first. We went to the lobby and sat down all together, Ariel softly took Serenity's hand and took her away from my side, this girl was so petty, I rolled my eyes and decided to sit alone. I looked around the room, witnessing that Bobby had sat on the other side of Serenity but he wasn't talking to her. This new definitely knew his boundaries and I definitely found that great about the kid, I could use him on my side. If he was that naive or easy to manipulate itself, I just had to see because he seemed like an intelligent dude himself, more knowledgeable than anyone I've ever known over the years other than Serenity herself too. I didn't know if his soft persona would be problematic though, because he seemed very chill, not the one to get in any trouble type, perhaps he had a bad past and decided to clean up. I can only wonder.

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