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Four in the morning was Tyler's favorite time to wake up, Well it was mainly his brains favorite time but Tyler didn't exactly mind it. But right when he woke up he looked outside his window to see if Josh had left another message. Unfortunately he didn't but he could tell a small light was on, so for the first two hours of his morning Tyler played piano waiting for another message from Josh. He even started to write his own song (it took five tries before he liked it.) After being all pianoed out he fell asleep again successfully.


Josh lit a stick of incense and placed it on its burner before picking up his camera and taking a picture of the small door that led into an unknown area. He was much too scared to even look at the door sometimes. In fact Josh was extremely scared of the dark, he still slept with a night light on in his room most of the time.

Josh's room was painted a light green with small Christmas lights hanging all around his room. One wall was filled with pictures that Josh had taken, all of them were ordinary things that Josh found fascinating. His favorite one was of a small waterfall in a creek. He always kept it right in the middle of the other photos.

Josh kept replaying the short conversation that he had with Tyler the night before, wondering if he could talk to him again sometime soon.


Tyler woke up again around noon. On the floor. Tyler was the kind of person to roll around in his sleep so when he woke up he was usually greeted by the cold floor on his face. He sighed, having no motivation to get up at all. He just wanted to lay there for probably another fifteen minutes before he either fell asleep again or he committed to getting up and starting the day. Today was going to be the day he decided to get up before the five minute mark. He grabbed the side of the bed and groaned as he pulled himself up onto his feet. He felt dizzy and tired and he sat right back down on his bed staring at the closet door.

After staring at the closet for five minutes he stood back up and walked into the kitchen before he could change his mind. He ate the smallest bowl of cereal imaginable and then took a thirty minute shower. Sitting down. He tried rolling out of the shower and when that didn't work he crawled out.

After the three minute staring contest with ceiling, and the ten minutes it took to get an outfit and change into it Tyler sat on his porch swing and looked at the house across from his until he found something else to stare at.

Tyler spotted the rope coming from what he guessed was a second floor window from the house right next to his. Coming down from the rope was the same red headed boy from last night.

Should he say something?
Should he just ignore him and let him go on with his day?
Should he jus-

"Hey!" And now Tyler had no choice but to respond to him. There was no getting out of this one. No more options.

"Uh-hey uh what's with the rope? Don't you have a door?" He responded with hoping he didn't sound extremely stupid.

"I didn't want to wake everyone up you know, everyone but me sleeps until like two in the afternoon, so the rope is the only way out." He explained as he walked towards Tyler, sitting next to him on the swing.

"You're lucky people are even home in your house. Everyone in mine leaves early and doesn't come back until like late at night. I'm. Always. Alone." He answered back.

"Well I mean-uh. I could always keep you company you know?" Josh was hoping he didn't sound weird or awkward or whatever, but he was kinda desperate to make a friend.

"That would be quite nice actually." Tyler answered with a smile, more towards his hands than directly at Josh.

"Well that is just wonderful," Josh said pulling out something from his pocket.

"Oh I didn't think you were one to uh do that." Tyler said as he realized that Josh was pulling out a cigarette box and a lighter.

"Oh uh yeah, sorry I should have asked if I could smoke here, is it okay?"

"Um yeah but probably in my room and not out here." Tyler replied.

"Well obviously, let's go." Josh suggested as he stood up and walked toward the door.

Tyler opened the door and led Josh to his room. Josh sat on Tyler's bed and lit his cigarette.

"I'll get rid of the smell by the way I am like a scent air bender. I can get rid of any smell!" Josh laughed and took another drag of his cigarette.

"Oh my gosh good I don't know what my mom would do if she smelt the smoke up here. She would probably ground me forever." Tyler replied.

"Do you want one?" Josh asked holding out another cigarette to Tyler.

Tyler did not want to seem uncool or dumb or something negative but he never ever smoked a cigarette. He never even really thought about it. What if he did it wrong? But what if he didn't take it and Josh thought he wasn't mature or whatever.

"Uh yeah thanks." Tyler took the cigarette and placed it in his mouth and lit it, breathed in, and coughed his lungs out.

"Oh my god Tyler are you okay?" Josh asked worriedly as Tyler sat on the floor still coughing.

Bad idea. Bad idea. He knows. He knows. Was all that was going through Tyler's head. So when he stopped coughing he decided to just tell him the truth.

"So I've never actually done that so uh yeah sorry." Tyler explained hoping he didn't sound anymore stupid.

"I could tell but you know, those aren't actual cigarettes. They have like rose petals and stuff in them and not nicotine so you can't actually die I don't think." Josh replied.

"Oh my gosh that is a lot better I thought my lungs were collapsing and I was going to die." Tyler laughed feeling relieved.

Josh pulled something else from his pocket.

An incense stick.

Josh lit it and Tyler immediately recognized the scent.


"This is to get that cigarette smell away I'll just hold it since you don't have a burner."

(A/N-I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in months I'll get back to updating regularly. Thank you for reading! Vote/comment and all that other great stuff!)

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