Four-Needles and a Lake

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A week later and Josh was already completely invested in becoming Tyler's best friend until the end. Was this is a crush? No. It was more of an obsession. He looked everywhere for pieces of information about Tyler on the Internet and the only he could find was a Facebook. The last post was made a month ago and it was about how Tyler learned how to play a song that Josh had never heard of. Ever since he went to Tyler's house and into his room and analyzed the scents of every location and watched how Tyler moved and talked, his choice of words especially, there was something that made Josh so attached to him even though he only talked to this individual twice. Josh was so obsessed with the smallest of things but never another person. Josh wanted to know every little detail about this boy he wanted to know the kind of shampoo he used from how long he slept to where he got every item of clothing. Why did he want to know these things? Even he had no clue.

Josh popped a rose petal cigarette into his mouth, lit it and then clicked on a certain sequence of buttons to message Tyler. He just sent a simple "hey".

After a short five minutes Josh began to worry. What if Tyler didn't even want to talk to him or what if he had no interest in him at all? After all this worrying Josh pulled out a small piercing needle and cleaned it off and slid it into his nose no problem, not even a flinch. He had done it so many times it didn't affect him in the slightest. Right when it was through he got a new message from the one and only Tyler.

Josh got so excited he almost jumped and fell over in his office chair with the biggest smile on his face.

Hey I just messaged to ask if you wanted to maybe hang out sometime again like tomorrow? Or tonight also works it just depends on what you'd want to do.

Yeah, I'll hang out tomorrow. I can't tonight since it's like 9 and my mom would kill me if I was out late.

Yeah that would be great, I can't wait. I'll text you again tomorrow then.

Yeah absolutely, I'll most likely wake up if you just spam text my phone.

Alright, see you tomorrow!

See ya!

Josh was beyond happy that he was going to hang out with Tyler once again. He started planning out his whole dialogue for tomorrow. The questions, the statements, the compliments, just everything right that would make Tyler happy and want to be his friend.

The night ended at 4 am and a twelve page memorized dialogue for tomorrow. Oh yeah, and a needle still in his nose.


Josh woke up with an unbearable pain in his right nostril and a needle by his hand. His face was also very bloody. He rushed to the bathroom to examine the pain and once again he made the mistake of keeping the needle in at night. He didn't make a big deal out of it just cleaned up his nose and upper lip and got dressed. Josh's hair always had a messy look no matter what, he didn't mind but he did want to do something other than comb his hands through his tangles.


Josh really wanted to call it a date. He really wanted to hold his hand and feel how cold would be and he really really wanted to brush his hand against his cheek to make him blush. Josh didn't do that. Josh knew it would probably scare Tyler and make him never want to talk to him again or something of the sort.

Josh isn't in love.

Josh has an obsession.

Josh knows this is not normal. Josh knows he could never work up the courage to even hug him or touch him in any way at all. Josh wants Tyler to hurt him.

This isn't the usual obsession. The usual obsession is finding someone interesting and something to look at. This time he wants to touch. He wants to touch so bad his face is red the whole time he looks at his chest when he's not looking.


The little body of water was soothing. Neither of them thought they would be going here of all places, but Josh didn't exactly know where else would be suitable. Tyler assumed that where there is a body of water you need to take off most of your clothes and jump in as fast as you could without thinking about it. Josh was right behind Tyler. Tyler was taking off his red shirt. Josh decided to touch.

He stepped beside him and in an instant fast second his hand was on his lower back and the other on his stomach. In an instant fast second his hand left those same spots. His whole body was filled with excitement as he said, "im sorry I just need to brush past."

Tyler was red all over.

To Josh that meant two things. Either Tyler liked being touched or Tyler was mad. There was no other option for emotion. Tyler said nothing back.


The situation switched. Josh had his feet in the cold water while Tyler was standing directly above him.

"You have a blonde hair." Tyler whispered.

"Really? Could you get it and show me?"Josh replied back.

Tyler's hands were in his hair. Both knew only one hand was needed and his hands could have been out of there faster but neither of them complained.

"Your hair is soft"

"Maybe you should let me feel yours."

"I have barely any hair."

"I don't mind."

Tyler sat in front of josh with his knees barely above the shallow water. The only thing that ran through Josh's head was the fact that Tyler was on his knees in front of him. His body was reacting much too fast and Tyler noticed. His face flushed red again and smiled.

"You have a small problem there sir." Tyler said and giggled.

"I-I'm fuck I'm sorry, I just-" Josh was interrupted by the boys hand on his knee.

"You are so n-not helping this situation." Josh was trying not to grab his hand.

"It's okay you know. It's kinda a compliment." Tyler's face lit up once again.

"Should I uh, stop? I don't really know what I'm doing. I've never done anything with anyone and I don't know you that well either." Tyler asked.

"You can stop if you want to. I'm not gonna pressure you into anything. I understand and all, I'm really sorry if this came off cree-" Josh was interrupted once again.

His lips were on his cheek.

Josh counted 15 slow seconds of fast heart beating and slowed breathing.

"I should probably go home now. I'll text you when I get home." Tyler grabbed his shirt and shoes and walked out of the woods.

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