chapter 1. After 8 years

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How hard can this be right?

Facing your best friend after 8 years and finally realizing that he is your soul mate. Then watching him marry somebody else, being in the arms of somebody else and having a family with somebody else.

That should be me.

Now I am sounding like Justin Bieber. Great! I got my luggage and made my way out of the semi crowded air port frustratingly pushing my messy hair out of my face. Once I was out of the air port, I was looking for one person but how could you ever find a person you haven't seen in 8 years. Maybe he has grown a beard, or he gain weight or he--

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw a guy with dark blonde brownish hair and dashing blue eyes, he had a stubble on his chin and he had an athletic build or known as 'I want to lick his abs' body. He then started making his way towards me and my heart was skipping beats. What did this guy want? My number? I'll be gladly give him my office and home number. Or a place to stay? He can even share beds with me. That's how hot he was.

"Jen?" the hot guy asked

I swore I was drooling, I closed my mouth and trying to form words "Y-Yes! That's me" I said awkwardly mentally slapping myself for looking like a complete idiot. He chuckled and it sound delightful like a bell ringing for morning bacon breakfast. "It's me, Andrew" which made me take a step back and frightened for a moment. My best friend, my soul mate was standing right in front of me without me even knowing and the wost thing was I looked like a total fool.

"Wait! Andrew! As in Andrew Marshall?" I asked trying to make sure this was my best friend so I won't plan on actually dragging him away right before his wedding day. He chuckled again but this time making me melt. "The one and only Jen!" he said as he held his arms out for me to hug.

Oh my god.

The picture of Andrew in my head was small and skinny who had the total image of a goldenboy. A teacher's pet image. but now he looked hot and buff, an image of a model who walked off a runway show now he was the teacher's lover look.

"Seriously!? What happened to that skinny golden-boy?" I asked as I threw my bags on the floor knowing it would be more hard now to watch him marry someone else. He chuckled and said "He is long gone and what happened to your bangs? I can barely see the freckles now" as he teased touching my nose to my cheek, making my skin burn in a way I couldn't explain, an indescribable sensation.

I then realized that I was still acting like a total fool, so I grabbed his head and gave him a noogie saying "I leave you for 8 years and you start growing muscles!?" I said as he laughed and picked me up bridal style spinning me around. I let out a squeal and shouted "put me down Drew! Or I'll be sick" he laughed again and pulled me into a bear hug. "I missed you so much Jen!" he said huskily this time, God he never fails to surprise me.

"I missed you too Andrew!" I sighed as I closed my eyes enjoying the hug that we were sharing. As we pulled away I whirled my head and asked a question I was dreading to ask "Where is this lovely Amber you speak about?" he grabbed my bags and said "Oh! she wanted to come but she was too busy choosing the food for the ceremony" I frowned as we started walking. "Isn't the bride and groom suppose to do that?" I asked

"Yeah, but apparently her parents wanted to choose so I wouldn't choose hand foods like french fries or corn dogs" he said, I smiled remembering all those moments we had we were kids. "Aww... She is such a fun killer. I would love to see men and women dressed formally and eating with their hands" I said as I giggled. He laughed and said "Yeah, she picked out a gown for you" I just hope to the great being that Amber wasn't a bitch and she would actually treat me like her own sister.

We then arrived at a dark blue Ford Mustang 1967, I wold whistled and asked "And who is this baby?" as I touched the mustang like it was a baby. He smiled brightly and said "I named her Blew" "Why Blew?" I asked as I helped him put my bags into the back. "Bl- for Blair your second name and ew- from Andrew" he said making me squeal like a little girl from the inside. This boy is definitely driving me insane. Why didn't I see any of this before? Maybe I was too blind or plainly stupid.

"Aww... that's sweet of you" I said as I pinched his cheeks making him do such a cute face making me want to ravish him in my kisses. "Too bad Amber and her parents don't agree me driving it. I have to sell her sooner or later" he said as he looked at his mustang with a sad expression by the stories told by Andrew, I already hated this girl Amber. She sounded like a control freak.

"Then I am buying it" I said making him smile again. God only knows how much I love that smile. "Come on! I want you to meet the future Mrs.Marshall" my heart fell at the sound of that name. we had a quiet ride towards his in-laws place and once we arrived my heart just fell into my stomach.

Their house was like the white house, People wearing formal was going in and out carrying flowers and wines. "Wow" I said as I looked at the house up and down. Andrew smiled at me and got out of the car, I followed him and once we were inside I felt as if I was in a house that was fit for a princess. "I think he married her for the money" I mumbled under my breath. "Honey I'm home!" Andrew shouted, I stared at him and asked "Seriously that's the best you've got?"

he looked at me and asked "Why? Too cliche for you?" more like teased as we both laughed. Until a voice rang through the air like an angel singing a lullaby. "Andrew" there she was, the infamous Amber gliding down the stairs in her expensive yellow dress and expensive heels, she had short blonde hair bob that was so perfect that no strand of hair was out of place, her green eyes glistened as she saw her husband-to-be. And one thing that made me lose all my self-esteem was she had a british accent.

"Andrew honey, I missed you" she said as she made her way towards Andrew swaying her hips to the side. Once she reached Andrew she gave him a long lingering kiss that made my heart squeeze like a lemon. She pulled away and cupped his face "What on earth took you so long?" she asked as she did an Eskimo kiss. "Sorry honey but Jen's plane was late" he said as he finally looked at me. "Honey baby" he started-- I think I was about to get sick with all the nicknames being thrown around here. "Meet my best friend since dinosaurs, Jennifer. Jennifer meet my fiance Amber" I stuck out my hand for her to shake and said "Nice to finally meet you"

She looked at me as if I had a disease or something, I couldn't really blame her since I was wearing jeans with a dark green shirt paired with a denim jacket and tennis shoes. And my hair was messy. "So this is the lovely Blair" she said; I hated when people called me that name. "Please just call me Jen or Jennifer" I said as we both finally shook hands. "Jennifer here is a history teacher" Andrew said as he threw his arm around his fiance. I couldn't deny it they both look cute together but me and Andrew would look perfect.

"Oh! Same as my brotha, Hold on I want you to meet him" she said as she disappeared up the stairs. "Not bad Drew, she's classy" I said not wanting to say I approve because I even don't approve that he is getting married. "Yeah--oh! Be careful with her brother, he is a total douche" he said, "Don't worry Drew, I can take care of myself" I said suddenly Amber came back down the stairs with a tall guy behind her. "Jenni dear" she said, making me growl under my breath "Meet my older brotha, Michael" the guy came into view and he was the total opposite of Amber. He stood in front of me with black pants, V neck black shirt and a leather jacket. He had the look of a bad ass.

"Just call me Mike" he said as he gave me a wink. I felt myself throw up in my throat but I forced out "Nice to meet you" and gave a fake smile. Mike's smile then faded and he walked away. "sorry, he's not really good in socializing" she said in an innocent voice. I just smiled at her. "My eldest brother is somewhere here, just have to find him but oh! Andrew will show you your room" she said, Andrew then let go of Amber and stuck his arm out for me. I took a hold as we started walking upstairs, he just told me a few things I should know about Ambers family and then walked away and once I was alone in the room it was time for the real reason I was here;

Mission-- break up the couple before the wedding day.

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