Chapter 5. Kissing tears

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I stood there behind the bride trying on my maid-of-honor gown, it was red silk tube that came all the way to my toes and in front of me was the bride trying on her gown. She was laughing and smiling and here I was sulking in my gown. I should be happy for my best friend but I was feeling the total opposite.

I was hurting.

Right as Amber laughed me and her eyes connected, I quickly gave her my fake smile hoping she wouldn't see right through me. "You look beautiful" I said she smiled at me and she came towards me and pulled me into an unexpected embrace. As she pulled away she said "Thank you Jennifer, for being here after what you have been through. I know it's hard but I know you are a strong person" as she smiled with her red lips making my self-esteem go very low.

I chuckled sarcastically but quickly hid the sarcasm. "This is about you Amber! Not me, so we are really gonna have so much fun then you'll have your fun after the wedding" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. She giggled like a little girl and ran over to the rest of the bridesmaid who were gossiping about anything. I sighed to myself remembering my moments with Andrew.

From the time we hid behind the couch to see if Santa was real but eventually we saw my mom kissing Santa Claus which turned out to be my dad. then there was a time when he had an award in the second grade and his parents wasn't there so I had to do all the cheering and I went up on stage to help pin the award. Then one of my favorites must be our walk from school to home where we would talk about everything, future, present, past and we eventually made plans in moving in together once we had jobs and I ruined that which I regret so much.

"Hey Jen! Are you coming?" Amber asked as she batted her eyelashes like I was someone special to her. Hello! I almost ruined your marriage. "Where?" I asked like a total idiot not focusing what's happening in front of me. All of them laughed and Amber giggled out "Our Bridal shower silly" I chuckled trying to make it seem funny but the only funny thing here was I was still planning on to attend the wedding and absolutely doing nothing about it when my heart tells me to stop the wedding I'm actually doing the opposite.

"No thanks! I'll catch up I'm just not feeling well must be the chili I had this morning" I said as I faked that y stomach was hurting when actually it was my heart. The rest of the bridesmaid continued talking Amber shrugged her shoulders and said "Suit yourself, just give me a call if you need anything okay"as they went off changing out of their gowns. I sighed then went to change out of my gown.


It was already night and I could hear the Bachelor party's cheers and music going on in the backyard. The Bridal shower was being held at some hotel which I have no plan to attend. I was in my room lying down just thinking about me and Andrew and how our life would've been if I haven't ran off after college graduation. Suddenly without knowing a tear slipped from my eye followed by another one.

My life was a wreck.

I started sobbing making my body tremble, I was sobbing loud since this was my only chance of crying hard because of the loud music coming from the backyard. "A..Andrew.. I'm S..Sorry" I sobbed out as I covered my face with my hands. Then shockingly I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I jumped a little until the person's breath hit my neck making me tense but then he whispered "It's okay Jen, it's just me Andrew" making me calm down. My heart was beating fast just by his voice but my body was still trembling because tears were still falling.

I slowly turned around and looked into his amazing blue eyes, he smiled weakly at me then I buried my head in his chest and started sobbing loudly with him rubbing my back and combing my hair with his hands. Crying in his arms felt so right, it felt just like the time I cried because I got stood up by my date on Valentines day and he dumped his date so he could just cheer me up except this time I got dumped and he didn't dumped his date more like his wife-to-be.

I pulled away from his chest and looked back into his eyes, the eyes that never fail to make me feel better. He smiled and asked "Can I ask something?" I nodded then he sighed and said "Why did you run away after college graduation?" my heart was skipping beats, I should be dead by now. I opened my mouth to speak but I was embarrassed. I closed my mouth but opened it again to say "I was afraid of the feelings that I felt towards you" not making eye contact with him but a few seconds of silence he then lifted my chin with his hand and made my eyes met his.

"So even back then you had feelings for me?" he asked with pain written all over his face making me feel guilty. I started sobbing again as I nodded to his question. He then just grabbed my head and made me cry in his chest again, I then started saying in his chest "I'm so sorry Andrew, I'm really sorry" he just kept rubbing my back "Shhh... It's gonna be fine Jen" he whispered but I jerked back and said "Gonna be fine? nothing's gonna be fine Drew! I ruined our friendship, I screwed up my only chance of being with the person I love Andrew, I never want to--" but I was cut off as Andrew pressed his lips upon mine.

At first I was shock but then I relaxed into his kiss and kissed him back. He started kissing where my tears were, kissing them away soon he was on top of me just kissing but as soon as I realize what was happening I pushed him away, not because I want to but because it would only ruin our friendship even more especially when he gets married tomorrow "Andrew, Amber will find out" I whispered my tears finally drying. He looked at me lovingly and he caressed my cheek with his thumb and said "Jen, this is my bachelor party my friends must be enjoying flirting with the dancers, Amber must be enjoying herself too at least let me enjoy just this once with you. This is my last day of being single Jen. Make it worth it, because by tomorrow I'll be a married man and forget the feelings I have for you"

"But you said yesterday that you would forget the feelings when you run to Amber" I said as I shrinked under him, every time he would breath his chest would touch my chest making my heart go wild. He smirked then kissed my forehead and whispered "I could never forget my first love" then he gently kissed my lips making my heart beat fiercly inside my chest. His kiss was amazing.

After our steaming hot make out session I guess you would know what happens next after I felt his bulge in his pants. We started taking each others clothes off and one thing led to the other. I moaned his name all night long both of us not regretting what we were doing because this will be the last time we'll ever express our feelings towards each other and I know there are a million ways to express it but ever since the sweet mistake I have been craving for his lips, desiring for his body and yearning for his sweet touch.

And right in the middle of our activity he said something I thought he would never say in his whole life or even mine, "I love you Jennifer, always have always will" I smiled and replied "I love you Andrew" as we kissed passionately and intimately pouring all our love in a kiss that maybe in the future we would laugh at or even still want it.

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