Chapter 2. The Date

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His eyes is what keeps me going,

His smile is what makes me stronger

and his touch is what makes me fall even more deeper for him.

All night I have been planning what to do, to break up Andrew and Amber. Black circles formed underneath my eyes and I tried my best to stay awake. "JENNIFER!!" someone shouted outside my door, I quickly hid all the papers with my 'Evil' plans and quickly made sure none could be seen then I made my way towards the door to see a perky Andrew standing there. God! He was so cute I could just slap the smile right off his face.

"Good morning Jen!" He greeted me as he brought me breakfast in a tray. I smirked and said "You're wife is down the hall" as I pointed at the other end of the hallway. He chuckled and said "But this is for me and you-- Come on Jen! We haven't bonded in a long time and I want to spend as much time as I can get before I become a married man" I rolled my eyes and opened my door wide so he can walk in. "So tell me how was the famous Jennifer Blair doing without me for the passed eight years?" he asked as he put down the tray on the coffee table and plopped on my bed, I then plopped next to him and said "Missing you"

"Awww aren't you sweet" he said as he shoved a pillow in my face making me laugh. I defended myself and quickly got a toast from the coffee table and shoved it into his mouth. "I was doing great actually! Being a history teacher isn't bad, I mean we both took up education so we could both become teachers hoping to be next to each others classroom and compare grades from your class and mine" she said, "Yeah! That's until you disappeared right after graduation" he said as he flicked my nose making me scrunch it up.

"Why did you left anyways?" he asked as he sat up on my bed with a serious concern look. My lips pursed into a straight line trying to find any words for my disappearance. The truth was I left because Andrew told me he had feelings for me and then he kissed me and once again I have made one of the biggest mistake in all of history, I swear that this mistake would be recorded in the history books. And now here he was getting married to another leaving me regretting now returning the kiss or the feelings that I now felt towards him but this time mine is even more stronger.

I bit my lip and said "I had a Job interview" at first it didn't seem he believed me but a few seconds he just shrugged his shoulders and started eating the food that was on the tray. "Hmm.. how about I make it up to you?" I asked, he raised his eyebrows making him look irresistable and believe me if there was the most perfect cheese cake sitting right in front of me, I rather choose Andrew.

"And how are you gonna do that my dear?" he asked huskily as he neared his face to mine only inches away from his kissable lips. He has to make everything hard? does he? "I.. uhhh... We shall have bonding night. We'll go to places where we used to go. You know to movies, bowling, anywhere" I said as I didn't move from where I stood which was inches away from kissing him. "You got yourself a date" he said as he walked out of the room.

My heart leaped at the word 'Date' I was finally going out with Andrew a guy who is about to be a married man but I ignored that thought and put Amber out of my head all that matters was I had tonight to prove to Andrew that I am his one true love and the girl for him, it wasn't in my plans but it was brilliant!


So all day I have been hibernating in my room away from Amber hoping she wouldn't know about me and Andrew's date but apparently Andrew doesn't keep secrets from her. "You guys be good oh! And Jennifer please take good care of my baby-cubs!" she said in her annoying voice making me want to rip my ears right off. "Don't worry I won't let this little giraffe out of my sight" I said as I scratch my neck, really? was that the best I got? Damn no wonder I haven't been in a relationship.

Then as I turned around in the corner of my eye I saw Amber brought Andrew to her lips kissing him like a hungry chihuahua. but no matter how gross the sight was it was still enough to make my heart break just a little. "Come on Andrew! We have a curfew!" I groaned, can't believe it. Now that we are adults I am happy that we don't have curfew from our parents but sooner or later and now is for Andrew, we had well at least he has curfew from his soon-to-be-wife.

Andrew pulled away and walked with me to his baby, which will soon be my baby. His Ford Mustang 1967. First we decided to go bowling and eat then to the movies to watch 'Thor 2' and as we got to the bowling area Andrew asked "Cheese burger, fries and choco milkshake?" I smiled and said "You still remember" he chuckled and said "Of course I do! You are my best friend" as he walked away to the food station leaving me at our bowling seats with a heart that ached on the word 'best friend'

When he came back with our food we started to bowl at the same time and of course he is beating me as usual. "Why can't I get a strike" I whined as I picked up the bowling ball. Then all of a sudden Andrew came behind me before I could roll my ball and he put one hand on my hip and the other on my hand that was holding the bowling ball. I tensed at the feeling yet I mentally purred like a cat. "You have to have the right body position, and when you roll it just relax" he brought his hand back along with my hand and the ball we both walked forward and release the ball from our hands.


I squealed and Andrew cheered for me the next thing I did shocked me, I threw my arms around Andrew and kissed him. For just moment it felt like we were the only two people in the world. What made the moment even more perfect was that he kissed me back and slowly wrapped his arms around my waist but then right as I was about to deepen the kiss he pulled away as if I had a disease and worried was written all over his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I quickly said and hid my face in my hair that was covering my face but then all of a sudden I felt two hands grip my shoulder, I looked up and saw Andrew not the Andrew now but the Andrew eight years ago, his eyes showed love and compassion his warm smile told me it was okay but what was okay the fact that I kissed him and he thought it was a simple mistake of mine or that we are both best friends and--

but my thoughts were cut right as he brought my lips back to his. Deepening the kiss making me feel weak in the knees and my heart soared once again and slammed right back into my chest. I felt like I was in heaven, He was like an inferno against my granite arms.

The kiss was amazing and maybe just maybe he would give that second chance.

My bestfriend's kiss (WattyAwards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now