Chapter 6. The wedding

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I had a good night sleep but woke up all alone in my bed, My heart felt like it wanted to cry tears of it's own and of course I cried a bit in the shower since today Andrew and Amber will be saying their vows to each other. I put on my violet robe then made my way towards the bride's room. As soon as I entered I regret not going back home.

"Where the hell is my maid-of-honor!?!" Amber shouted as she distressful ran her hand through her hair. As soon as people noticed I was standing at the door most of them gave a sigh of relief. Amber followed everyone's eyes and once her eyes landed on me I could tell she was annoyed that Andrew picked me as the maid-of-honor.

"There you are! Where have you been!? I want everything to be perfect and you are making that difficult" she hissed as she started dragging me towards the bathroom to change. I looked myself into the mirror then I started changing once I was done I went out and saw people gasping and awing at the bride who was wearing her gown. My eyes kept looking at the ground and sometimes I would space off and play the images of last night in my head.


As I was done dressing I made my way down to the lobby where everyone was except the bride and groom. "Jennifer!" someone squealed from behind me I looked and saw Ginger and Jacob, Andrew's parents. I gasped-- I have truly missed them. "Ginger! Jacob!" I squealed as I ran to them like a little girl and hugging them like I haven't seen them in forever.

We pulled away and Ginger said "You have grown into a beautiful fine woman" I smiled at her and said "Thank you!" "I would also like to ask if you can take us to see Andrew's bride, we haven't met her yet" Jacob said as he laughed merrily. "We were even shocked that he is even getting married without taking the girl to our place" Ginger said, in a tone that says Lets just hope this girl has nothing wrong with her.

then I sarcastically said "Sure! You'll love her" as I made my way up the stairs with them at my tail. Once we entered Amber turned around and said "What are you doing here?" almost like she didn't like my presence which she didn't. "Amber I would like you to meet Andrew's parents, Ginger and Jacob" I said she then quickly fixed the frown on her face and turned it into a smile. "Omg! It's great to finally meet you" Amber said in her chirpy voice as she hugged them. I rolled my eyes.

"Wow! You look stunning dear" Ginger commented on Amber making Amber blush, "Why thank you" Amber replied, "It reminds me of the past when Jennifer here would come to our house" Jacob said, Amber's eyes narrowed at me and she asked "oh! Why that?" trying her best not to let it seem like she was insulted. "I think they were five years old at that time that they would dress up for a wedding and pretend to marry each other" Jacob said as he laughed merrily along with Ginger. Jacob and Ginger brought up some good memories of me and Andrew and Amber had to endure with it since it wasn't until an hour for the wedding to start.

Amber was definitely trying her best to seem interested but she obviously looked miserable if you can see right through her facade. "well enough with that, we should get going now" Ginger said as we all started making our way downstairs with the rest of the people.

Everything around me was a complete blur, As I made my way down the walkway, I saw Andrew wearing a tux with his hair all formal. He smiled at me and I smiled back trying to imagine it was our wedding instead of his wedding only. but it was hard since the bride stood in front of me and I was helping her with her gown. So I didn't know if Andrew was smiling at me or his bride.

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