Chapter 4. Karma

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I was back at Amber's house hearing Amber yell at Andrew for not coming home last night. Andrew was quiet and did not say a word. He told Amber that he fell asleep in the car since he was waiting for me because I was talking to a friend. He's such a horrible liar that's why he is the golden boy.

My eyes were red and puffy from crying obviously, I haven't stop crying ever since I broke down in the middle of the road right as Andrew walked away from me. I drove back to the house with Andrew's car and I sneaked in the back door hoping no one would see me and I was successful at that. Amber's strong and high pitch voice rang through the whole house and sometimes I would hear glass shatter. What made me sad and guilty was that Andrew didn't felt the same way and we slept together and now he was the one to pay for the consequences.

After hours of hearing Amber screaming at Andrew, I knew I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed his keys to his car of course I took a shower and changed then right as I got downstairs there they stood in the middle of the stairs with both their eyes looking at me. "You!!" She hissed like a snake. Amber started storming towards me and I took a few steps back not wanting to get in the middle of this mess that I have caused. Unexpectedly Amber grabbed a hand full of my hair and threw me off the rest of the stairs making my ribs and stomach go through indescribable pain as it hits the edge of the stairs and harshly land on the hard tile ground.

I groaned in pain and then Andrew was next to me helping me up. "Amber!! Don't take it all on her!!" Andrew shouted at her as he cupped my face "Are you okay?" he whispered, I just nodded and stared at a furious and raged Amber. Her nose flared and her chin scrunched up like a little girl would do when her candy was taken from her. "Ever since you mentioned her!!" She screamed as she pointed at me "I knew that deep down inside I didn't like her!! She is the reason why we always fight!!"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise, even before I came they were still fighting about me? but why? She chuckled sarcastically and said "Oh yes dear Jennifer, Andrew couldn't shut up about you on how great and smart you were or how funny you were" I looked at Andrew and saw him bowed his head. "And when you came that night he wouldn't shut up on how great you looked. You were his favorite topic apparently he isn't over you" she said as she glared daggers at Andrew and my eyes lit up with hope.

"And just by the look in your eyes I could see that you feel the same way for Andrew here" she hissed as her eyes didn't break contact with Andrew's. My heart was beating fast and my mind was trying to keep up with what was going on. So Andrew isn't over me and he keeps talking to Amber about me making Amber go crazy jealous then he goes out with me and sleeps with me willingly then he rejects me and starts fighting with Amber and then he helps me when I'm hurt but then he won't say anything else. What the hell was going on? I would give a million bucks just to see what is going through Andrew's head right now.

Amber then growled from being too stressed or being too mad, then she looked between me and Andrew "Andrew this is it, your final decision. You either chose me or her!! You can only chose one!! Who's it gonna be?" she hissed pointing at me and her. My eyes were mentally begging for it to be me. Andrew stared at the ground not saying anything, he just stood there as if it was his job not to move. Amber groaned then she stomped up the stairs leaving Andrew to decide and for me to watch in anticipation as he makes the biggest decision of his life.

I looked at Andrew with all the hope that was left in me and all the Love felt towards him. He had to love me, I was there for him and likewise. He was like my personal guardian angel who fell from the sky, he was my best friend since diapers and we have been together like forever. I knew him inside out and now that our feelings have taken the next level the little vague hope in me just begged for him to choose me.

Andrew then looked at me with an unreadable expression, "Jen" he breathed out, my heart soared into the sky and fell right back in my chest. He chose me. My heart was filled with joy and happiness, my now gray skies was clearing up and turning into a lovely blue sky. I opened my arms wide with a smile plastered on my face and I was walking towards him but right as I was about to envelope him into my hug. His hands held me, as if blocking the hug. My heart fell a bit hoping he wanted a kiss instead of saying what I expected him to say. "Jen, I loved you ever since we became best friends, yes I wasn't over you and I never forgot about you but Jen... that was the past. I told you my feelings long ago and you rejected them by not showing your face for eight years Jen, eight painful years. Eight years where I have waited and waited for a single phone call or an email. Eight years I have suffered the pain of rejection and not knowing what to do with it. Amber came in and helped me through it all in your absences. You had your chance Jen and I just can't let you come back into my life and expect me to fall in love with you again Jen, I can't make the same mistake"

Karma's a bitch.

"I'm sorry Jennifer, no matter how I desire to be in your embrace or hold you like I did last night, I can't take that path anymore.... I want you Jen but I can't, I choose Amber because it's the right thing to do" he said, I felt nothing, the pain that I felt was now gone and it replaced with a numb feeling of nothingness. I rather feel the pain than to feel nothing at all. My heart was suppose to only pump blood but sadly it did more than that.

"I choose Amber" he said again as he looked at the ground, Yeah! I heard you the first time no need to say it the second time and break my heart again. He looked into my eyes and cupped my face "I love you Jen but once I turn around and find Amber I will forget those feelings, And marry Amber. We will always be best friends and nothing more nothing less" he whispered as a tear slipped from my eyes. He then leaned in and gently kiss my lips, I closed my eyes and try to savore this moment. It was the last time I'll ever kiss Andrew, this amazing kiss will be my last because this kiss and his lips are the only things I want for the rest of my life but it's something I can't have and never will.

I felt his lips left mine and a cool breeze hit my face, I opened my eyes to see no one. I didn't want to cry because once I start crying I may never stop. Have you ever felt a pain so intense that you wish you could ignore it but no matter how much you ignore it, it would always be a constant reminder of that one sweet mistake that you made yet you don't regret it?

Well, I have and may always feel that for the rest of my life and it's all because of my best friend.

Thanks for reading! Please do vote and comment! Stay updated for the next chapter! The unexpected twist is yet to be revealed. :D chow!


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