Chapter 3. The Sweet Mistake

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A night full of passion,

full of desire poured out into a single kiss,

a body movement filled with bliss.

Can be oh so sweet.

I woke up to the sun shining bright on my face but of course I hid my face in someone's chest. I opened my eyes and saw Andrew right next to me in his car's back seat, Naked.

I smiled like an idiot not because of the fact I slept with an almost married man-- but because I made love with my best friend who is my soul mate. I wrapped my arm around his chest making him stir in his sleep. Loving and sweet memories filled my head from last night, a night where he looked into my eyes and kissed me like never before. I wasn't worried about his fiancee or anybody at the moment the only thing that mattered was I was in his arms not by drunkenness or any of that silly matter but because we both kissed and I know that we both felt something towards each other and it's just not a one sided relationship.

Suddenly Andrew groaned and yawned "Good morning Amber" my heart fell just a bit but I quickly ignored it and hugged him tighter whispering in his ear "Guess again" Andrew then bolted up with his eyes widen and filled with horror. My heart then fell all the way knowing he would regret this and I had to bite my lower lip to keep the tears away. "What the--" he said in frustration as he ran his hand through his hair madly. He quickly got his phone and saw over seventy miss calls and all of them were from Amber. "oh God, oh God, what have I done?" he asked himself as he scooted far from me.

"Jen! How could you let this happen!?" Andrew shouted, "Me? you were the one who brought me to the car" I shouted back at him. I knew what happened last night and it wasn't those one night stands or hook ups because of a particular reason this happened because there is something going on between me and Andrew. "You were the one who kiss me in the first place!" he accused me as he started getting ready.

I just rolled my eyes and also started dressing up even though I just wanted to push him back and snuggle up with him. But there was also a part of me that felt guilty. but why did I have to feel guilty when in fact he was the one who handled the situation, he made the decision of kissing back and bringing me to the car. It's not like I had to drag him to the car.

"What am I gonna tell Amber?" he asked himself, once he was done dressing he got out of the car and started walking home. My eyes widen a bit and I got out of the car not caring if I was bare footed and I shouted "Andrew!" he furiously turned around to face me and said "Not now Jen, because of this! Because of this stupid mistake that we have made I am gonna be in big trouble" my jaw dropped and I hissed at him saying "Mistake? I believe you were the one who made this decision you could've just pushed me away when I kissed you" he rolled his eyes and said "You knew I had feelings for you back then, don't try to pin this on me just because I am the guy"

The whole world just stopped and I felt once again my heart breaking, I expected that if I could just get him to kiss me he would remember those feelings he once had and take me back, but now that I slept with him I thought maybe that just maybe he would call Amber right as he woke up and call off the wedding. But as the words stupid mistake registered in my head my heart broke twice-- if that's even possible. "T..Tell me that you still have feelings for me" I whispered, he took a step forward and asked "What?" making his eyebrows furrow and also making him look hot.

"I said tell me that you still love me"

He chuckled and right as he chuckled a tear ran down my face, "Jen, I have loved you all my life. but right as the moment I met Amber. I gotten over you. Why are you doing this to me?!" he asked frustratingly like he was fighting the feelings that he felt for me. "because Andrew, me and you have been through everything better and worse, health and in sickness, rich and poor. Me and you are best friends ever since we saw each other Andrew, can't you see that you can't get married" I said in a desperate tone.

"Why shouldn't I get married Jen? What is so special about our friendship that I can't get married?" he asked as he folded his arms in front of his chest. I was speechless because no words could come out my mouth I was too scared to tell him and afraid that he might chuckle again. He rolled his eyes and turn around to walk away. My heart was beating fast and thoughts were talking too much so I blabbered out;

"I love you Andrew"

He stopped then he turned around with a hurt expression. I was breathing heavily knowing that getting those words out wasn't easy. He covered his face with his hands and wiped it, He looked at me seriously then said "I'm sorry Jen" and with his last words he walked away.

Time stood still as I fell to my knees watching the love of my life walk away from me. My heart was crippled and there was nothing I could do about it. It hurt so much to the point that I couldn't feel my knees burning from the hot concrete on the road. My heart was full of grief and my head filled with sorrow but most of all my everything was yearning for him,

my best friend,

my soul mate.

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