Jennifer Lawrence

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*Ah, who better to write than his co-star of Hunger Games, J Law. *

1) She was a real tomboy growing up. When she was in preschool, she wasn't allowed to play with the other girls because she was "too rough."

2) She's a very sporty person. Growing up, she played basketball, field hockey and softball as a kid.

3) At school, she was voted the "Most Talkative" which makes sense after you watch some of her hilarious interviews.

4) She did make her first informal acting role at the age of 9 as a prostitute. *wait what.*

5) She could have been Bella from Twilight but was turned down in favor of Kristen Stewart.

6) She played Mystique in X-Men: First Class in 2011.

7) Jennifer is left-handed.

8) Her net worth is $34 million.

9) She is 5'9''.

10) She obtained a 3.9 GPA.

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