36-A Flashback and A Visit To The Bar

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>Alec P.O.V<

I paced around the whole apartment trying to control my emotions. I was actually proud of myself for not breaking anything till now. Elle had left sometime back in the new car , the pizza forgotten. I was going to drop her old car later on. But I was afraid that if I met Elle again, I wouldn't be able to control myself from kissing her or touching her. And I couldn't do that. I couldn't and I can't how much ever I wanted to! And I had to go and open my fucking mouth and say I liked her. The moment the words fell out of my mouth I realised how true they were. I did like her. Like really like her. I felt like i could do anything for her. Do anything to protect her. She was mine. I needed her to be mine bad but that wasn't possible. All because of that fucking man. All because of him. That evil disgusting human. My father. What he did still haunts me. Fuck! Stop it Alec! I slid to the floor and clutched my hair. Stop stop stop! But the horrors caught up with me and I felt myself losing this battle between me and my thoughts. 

"Hey Al! Check this out!" he calls out. He had just turned ten this summer and I had got him a new football and studs because he loved football. He was captain in the junior football team in his school. I ruffled my baby brother's hair lovingly. "Check this." He bounces the ball from one leg to another with perfect balance and flips it then kicks it in the goalpost. I clap and hug him, flinging him over my shoulder. He giggles then squirms away. 

"Kid! Where the hell are you?" My step father's booming voice rings out. My brother looks at me with fear in his eyes. I hold him behind me while I face my father. 

"Where's your fucking brother?" He yelled. I flinched and held my head high but I couldn't deny i wasn't scared. My dad pushed me away and I tried my hardest to protect my brother.

I could still here the ringing sound my father's hand had made as it went against my brother's cheek. I let out an infuriated scream. First my brother and now Elle too. Fuck fuck fuck! 

I couldn't bear this anymore. I couldn't handle it anymore. I grabbed my house and car keys and went out slamming the door. I drove furiously to the nearest bar. I could always drink my pains away. I marched inside the bar. 

Hours later

I stumbled out. The ground tilted. Fuck I was on a rollercoaster. My vision swam. Was I swimming or something? No I could feel the ground. I tried taking a step forward but almost crashed to the floor. Like a plane. I couldn't remember where I was. Which was my car? My car keys could tell me right? Like if I pressed a button, the car would beep. But all I could see were vegetables around. It wasn't safe to actually drive when all i could see were vegetables right? Yea. Wasn't safe. I took another step and my leg buckled a bit. My vision went dark then came back. Man! How do I get home? Think you dipshit! 

"Escuse me sir? Sir!" A man said. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned. Crap! It was an alien! I backed away."Shoo! I waved my hands. 

The alien gripped me by the arm and shook me. "Sir, please tell me what your name is. Where is your house?" 

Goddammit! Couldn't the alien see I was tired? I was exhausted and right mow a bed seemed like a really good idea to me.

"Sir if I could please have a phone number of a close one of yours. I need to get you home boy! It's not safe you are so drunk!.."

The alien went on. I opened my mouth and  rambled off a number I knew better than my own before I passed out from exhaustion. 


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