It Can Join

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"Brother, what are you doing here?" Alphonse questioned. Ed looked at the three officers, before flashing them the envelope in his hand. "I'm doing a job." Roy took a step forward. "What type of job involves breaking into someone's house?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. Ed glared at the man. "You shouldn't be talking Mustang. Do you have a search warrant?" He retorted. Roy stiffened with embarrassment before sighing. "That's beside the point. Anyways, short stuff, what type of job are you even doing?" Roy questioned. Ed growled, and scowled at the male, making Alphonse sigh. "Classified information. Maybe if you tell me what you're doing here, I may tell you." Ed explained, smirking at Roy. The Captain sighed before nodding. "Well, you might as tag along then." He replied. Ed nodded, and he stood next to Alphonse as Roy lead them through the apartment. "Everyone split up and call out if you find anything," Roy commanded. "And yes, that means you too Ed." the raven haired male added, smirking already knowing Ed's pissed off face. The four people split up and took different rooms in the house. Riza took the bathroom, while Roy looked in the living room. Ed searched the kitchen, and Al looked through the bathroom. Suddenly, his brother's yelp cut through the air. "Al!" Ed exclaimed, running towards his brother. When he arrived in the room his brother was in, he froze. Alphonse was sitting on the ground, hands touching the wooden floor, as he sat up straight. His amber eyes were wide with horror sweat rolling down the back of his neck, and his face, as he stared at the dead body. The body belonged to the very person who Edward was supposed to deliver Rose's letter too. By the way, Rose looked when she handed him the letter, she had been in love with the now deceased man. Ed could understand why Alphonse was so stiff. The smell of blood drifted throughout the bedroom, making Ed crinkle his nose. The smell of the crimson intoxicated the eighteen-year-old blonde. Roy and Riza rushed into the room. "Oh, my.." Riza mumbled putting a hand to cover her nose. She looked to the two brothers. 'How can they stand this smell?' Roy watched the exchange between the two Elric's. Standing there, illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window, Edward looked- dare he say- damn beautiful. Ed placed his auto mail hand on Al's shoulder and mumbled, "Come on Al, stand up already. This isn't the first time you've seen something like this..."  Roy looked at the blonde with confusion. It wasn't normal for Al to go with the team, for small cases such as this one. However, he had requested coming along, saying he wanted to at least experience the task, and maybe even try to save someone's life. This task, however, was the exact opposite of what Al had planned to do. The boy's ambition lead to him sitting on the ground, staring at a mna's body, gruesomely killed. Seeing his younger brother frozen like this, bothered Ed. It bothered him that he wasn't used to something such as this, and would see more of it as he moved up the ranks. "Huh......? O-Oh, sorry brother.." Al apologized, finally snapping out of it. Ed sadly looked at Al. Roy stepped forward. "Lieutenant, you take Alphonse back to the car. Edward and I will handle things from here." He ordered. Riza nodded. Al walked towards her and stopped as he looked at Edward. "Captain, Brother, try not to kill each other please." The boy joked. Ed and Roy snickered, before realising what they had done, and glared at one another. After Riza and Al left, Ed and Roy began to inspect the bedroom. "This may have been done a rogue alchemist," Edward muttered, golden orbs scanning the man on the bed. This caught Roy's attention. "You think so?" He questioned. Ed slowly nodded, walking towards a section on the wall. "Yeah, look at this, it's a transmutation circle, drawn in blood." He responded, pointing to now dried blood circle. Roy nodded. "Hey...Mustang?" Onyx met gold. "What is it?" Those golden orbs suddenly had a flare of firey passion. "If it's alright, I'd like to help you with this case...Captain." 

Love Can Be A Crime (Cop!Roy X Criminal!Ed)Where stories live. Discover now