Chapter 7

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Eric in human form^

~Asher's POV~

An inky blackness that no light could hope to penetrate surrounded me. It flooded my head, making it impossible for me to form any coherent thoughts. I had no clue where I was or even who I was. All I could feel was pain.

I heard but couldn't understand the voices coming from the darkness. They sounded panicked and... angry. I went on like this, my thoughts fading in and out of the darkness, for what seemed like an eternity.

I didn't know how much time passed before I realized that the pain was dulled. It was more of an ache now. I think it was because of the warmth radiating from an unknown source, never seeming to leave my side.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" My thoughts were startles at the sudden voice. It was rich; a voice that held strength, but kindness as well. It sounded tired, worry radiated from it.

"Patience Kade. He was in bad shape when you found him." Another voice answered. This caused the first voice---Kade---growled and moved away, the warmth going with him. "Healing will take time, but he's rapidly improving. I think that he'll be up and running soon."

"Why hasn't he shifted back then?" It hit me. They were wolves. Thank the heavens that I didn't shift while knocked out.

I willed my body, which had tensed at the realization that I was in an unknown location surrounded by wolves, to relax and opened my eyes a bit, looking through my eyelashes. I was rested on a cot of some kind and was being held in a white room. There were two doors, one was open while the other had two figures in front of it. One was a shorter, wiry man who wore a white coat and glasses. The other was surely what one would call beautiful.

Though he looked worn he had a rugged handsomeness to him that had my heart beating a little faster than usual. I wanted to shift and run my fingers through his black hair. My eyes roamed his body, noticing how his tighter shirt easily let me see the way his muscles bunched up. And his eyes, which were a dark green that faded into a yellow as it neared the pupil, held a depth of----


I hadn't noticed when the men fell silent, but they were now looking at me. My heart sped up as the green-eyed man started to approach. Before I could think I was up and running, ignoring the pain that shot through my body.

I flew through the open door into a dark hallway that didn't match the white room in the least. Door after closed door passed and I changed floors multiple times to keep out of the wolves' reach. I wasn't smelling my own scent so I couldn't have been going in circles.

How big is this place?!

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a doorway downstairs. I made a sharp right, flying down the flight of stairs, and immediately slid to a stop when I entered. There were more wolves, all stopping what they were doing to turn and stare at me. My ears twitched as footsteps pounded down the staircase I just went down. Before they could register anything, I broke off our stare down and started running again. I could hear a condition behind me, theirs pleas to stop just spurred me to go faster.

I ran for what felt like forever before I reached what seemed to be their garage. Like the rest of the house, it was huge. There were various vehicles which I wound my body around, looking for a way out. I didn't know what kind they were but they looked expensive.

My breath hitched and I let out a whimper when I realized that all the exits were closed off.

"Shh baby, you don't have to run." A warmth spread across my body, warning me that the green-eyed man was behind me. Hackles raised, I turned around.

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