Chapter 13

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~Kade's POV~

I'd been feeling anxious for awhile. I didn't know why, but I could shake the feeling that something was wrong. Asher and Fallon had run off to play hide-and-seek earlier. I'd been happy, patly to be released of my duties to watch the hyper child and partly because I knew Asher was enjoying himself.

I didn't know how much time had passed since they went, but my worry only increase. I did my best to ignore it, having a glass of hot chocolate with the others in an attempt to calm my nerves, but then I heard it: Asher's cry for help.

My shocked expression matched the other's. Before anyone could utter a word, I was up and running into the forest. I didn't know where I was heading, only that Asher was there and he needed me. My attempt to reach him through the link failed so I tried to yell out loud, the lack of response only increasing my worry.

My thoughts were becoming a mess. I kept imagining what I could find when I got to them. I wasn't even thinking straight enough to shift, but I was just as fast in my human form. It was as if I was on autopilot, my body knowing exactly where he was even while my mind was in disarray.

Fallon's own cries sounded and I turned toward them, dirt flying up behind me as I sprinted as fast as I could. Preparing myself for the worst, I burst out of the treeline. My eyes shot to Fallon, his tear stained face making my blood run cold. I turned my gaze to a boy who sat beside him, a pained and lost expression on his face, before looking for the ginger wolf that I knew so well, praying that he wasn't hurt.

But I didn't see him.

My heart sinking, I took a step toward then, but stiffened. Asher's scent, even stronger than before and laced with fear, emitted from the boy, filling my nostrils. I stumbled to a halt as I stared at him, my mate, barely noticing the others call my name as they exited the forest.

He didn't look up, just continuing to stare at his hands, brows furrowed and eyes glazed over. He was in pain, so much pain. My head throbbed as I felt only a portion of it. Feet hesitantly moving forward, I softly called out to him.

"Asher baby, are you alright?" I kneeled, slowly reaching out to touch him.

It was as if his very being screamed at me to get away. I gasped, falling back as horrible and sadistic images invaded my mind.

I didn't move to wipe away the tears that flowed as I watched the scene play out, knowing that the boy was Asher. I felt his fear, his pain, his hopelessness, as the man who was his father took his last shred of innocence, as he tainted the last pure part of his son. A sob escaped me at the boy's final plea for help. It echoed through my mind. I couldn't look away from Asher, his face was expressionless, his eyes moving but seeing nothing.

Growls sounded behind me. As I turned I saw the others. They had followed and, by the looks on their faces, they saw what I did.

Shelby had broken down, sobbing uncontrollably into Ana's arms as she rubbed her back, tears running down her own face. The look of pure hatred on their and the other's faces ignited my own rage, a growl rumbling in my chest.

I imagined myself ripping apart the man who did this to my mate, his supposed father. Growls of approval sounded as my fantasy leaked to the rest.


I whipped around, my gaze snapping to Asher. He was hugging himself, brows furrowed and eyes full of pain as he rocked back and forth. Over and over he uttered the word, his grip becoming tighter, breaking the skin on his pale arms.

Fallon, whom I'd forgotten about, inched forward, hand outstretched. Asher didn't react at all when Fallon touched his shoulder. The hate that had bubbled in me died instantly as I gave all my attention to Asher.

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