Chapter 17

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~Asher's POV~

I looked at Rory, surprise written on my face as he declared the man in the picture to be the brother of the gingers I've come to know. They were around the pack house a lot. Though Liam was older by a year, Rowan acted like the older one, always trying to take care of Liam. They did a lot of manual labor but I've gone on patrol more than once with them.

They were nice people. Serious but took the time to enjoy life. I really enjoyed patrolling with them, learning much from the two experts. To think I may very well be related to them, to have actual living family? It was almost too much.

My eyes went to the picture in my hand. It was old, the color fading while the edges were wrinkled and torn. On the back, written in flowing letters, was "Asher, November 7th."

The woman in the image was beautiful. Her dark, flowing hair falling well past her shoulders, bring out the blue in her eyes. She was gorgeous, smiling down at a small, sleeping form.

The man in question was leaning down, pressing his lips to the head of the infant that I knew to be myself. His eyes were full of love and happiness. He was ruggedly handsome, unshaven and red hair on the shaggy side. Now that I thought about it, he did, in fact, look frightfully similar to Liam and Rowan.

C-could he be... my f-father...?

"I... I don't know," Kade kissed my temple, trying to comfort me, "but we'll find out. I promise you."

I nodded, looking at the other object in the box. It was my mother's keepsake, where she kept her most valuable things in. Besides the photo, there was a necklace with a ring on it. The inside engraved with the word 'Forever'. There were a few old coins as well as a seashell and a few other knickknacks alongside it.

I replaced the photo, hugging the box to my chest once more as I tried to remember her; tried to remember anything but that night.

The blurry image of being swung between two people, but that was it. A lone tear escaped as I failed to recall anything concrete. The feeling of Kade's arms tightening around me was comforting. I pressed against him, resting my head on his chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady, lulling me away from the pain.

I... I'm okay now.

"Are you sure?" I nodded, moving to stand.

Kade helped me up, giving me one last hug before Rory lead us out of the room. The rest of the house wasn't as bad as the bedroom but the smell was still present. Kade pressed me against his side as we walked, shielding me from the unwanted images.

The ride back was quiet. Even Rory, who hated silence, kept to his own thoughts. My mind raced as scenarios played through my head. The fear that Liam and Rowan would hate me was my biggest concern. I valued their friendship and didn't want to lose it.

My heart began to pound as we pulled up to the house, collecting our bags after we got out. The pack house never seemed more frightening. It was quiet as we entered, making it seem even more ominous.

We separated, Rory going off to put his things away as I followed Kade to do the same, still clutching the box to me as we entered the family room.

"If you don't want to tell them then I'll stand beside you, but I don't think Liam and Rowan would be mad at you," Kade stated after setting the bags on the couch, staring at me.

I avoided his gaze. He was wrong. They would be angry---furious---at me. He didn't know what I did, no one here did. They would all look at me with disapproval, with disgust.

I sighed shaking my head, They'll be angry...

"Angry about what?"

I jumped, whipping around as I spotted Rowan at the doorway, Liam beside him. A whimper slipped out and I hid the box behind me, lowering my gaze.

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