Chapter 24

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~Asher's POV~

"The fuck is this, Murphy?" Eric's voice was level but his expression could kill. We all knew exactly what that man meant. I stood there, a horrid feeling seizing my chest as I looked at the phone.

"Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean," Murphy laughed as he handed the phone off. For a moment, only the soft breathing of someone came through. And then they spoke, my blood going cold.

"Hey, whore. I know you can hear me. I can't wait to see you again," he chuckled darkly, "We're going to have so much fun when you return. And you know you will. Or else it'll be worse if I have to drag you back myself. Daddy misses you," he sang before bursting out in laughter.

It felt like I was being suffocated. I just stared at the phone. Kade embraced me, but I didn't look away. I couldn't. That man.... All I could hear was his voice. All I could think about was his painful touch.

I believed him when he said he'd see me again. I learned over the years that when he made a threat he always went through with it.

Kade tried to turn me away from the phone, his grip firm but gentle, as the man continued. I didn't, I couldn't. I wanted to so badly, but I just continued to gaze at the phone, the dread and sorrow I locked away seeping into me.

His voice continued to come, a wickedly delighted tone coating his words. I didn't hear it, couldn't process it. Memories long blocked surfaced, my mind growing tired.

The sudden smashing of the phone against the wall made me jump, my eyes moving to the pieces on the floor. They stayed there even as Kade walked over, a satisfied gleam in his eye.

I was so tired of this. All my life this man has been the boogie man. He said he would drag me back. I believed him.

Kade wrapped his arms around me, giving me a slight squeeze. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that the words slipped out:

Maybe I should do as he says and go...

I felt him tense, his grip tightening. Everyone else did as well, their shock faces turning towards me. I didn't feel anything as they looked at me. I didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed. I was numb.

"Why...? Why would you say that, Asher?" My eyes slowly met Kade's, his anger clashing with my blank expression. I just shrugged in response causing him to shake me slightly. "Tell me! Tell me you wouldn't actually want to go back there?!"

Of course not! He was taken aback by the sudden venom in my voice as were the others. I'd never risen it in anger.

The anger faded from his eyes as his arms dropped to his side. He looked at me with a mixture of sorrow and fear, a slight quiver in his voice as he spoke, "Then why? I thought we were going to finally be a family... Why would you leave me...?"

I realized then how scared Kade was. I felt his emotions sweep over me. I felt his need to keep me safe; his anger at that man. He was terrified of losing me, that was the biggest thing. I knew he cared for me, but the extent of it brought tears to my eyes.

His eyes softened and I realized the tears had spilled over. I reached a hand up to wipe them away, my cheeks going red, but he stopped me. The distance closed between us as he gently ran his thumb under my eyes. He just continued to stare down at me.

"Don't let him get to you. I'll protect you." He squeezed me to him, my small frame being engulfed by his, and added a moment later, "We'll all protect you." I couldn't help the sniffle that came forth.

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