Chapter 19

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~Kade's POV~

I wanted to go check on Asher. Riley said it was probably nothing, just a need for sleep after a full day with Fallon, but it didn't keep me from worrying.

I couldn't do much about it though. I was on my way to Rickerson territory with Eric and Thalia, Eric's third. We were going to "discuss" territory boundaries. In reality, this was Murphy's last chance. If he didn't take it... well, his pack's going to get a lot smaller.

We pulled up to what they called a pack house. The paint was dirty and peeling and the roof dipped. Since Murphy became Alpha, the pack has gone downhill. Their numbers have dwindled, either by death or desertion. No one really wanted anything to do with the pack. They were just a pain in the ass.

"Stop looking so glum, you'll get back to your boyfriend by morning." Thalia smirked at my red cheeks before getting out. I followed, sending her a glare, and took my place by Eric as we waited.

Asher and I haven't actually defined what we were. He knows that we're mates, but it's like he doesn't feel the full effects of the bond. Heck, I want to tear his clothes off and take him everytime I see him. Obviously, I don't, but it worries me that he doesn't feel similar.

"...Hey Thalia, what's today's date...?"

"November sixth. Why?" I shook my head, as two pack members came out to meet us.

"Uh, nothing. Just wondering."

We went quiet as they approached, their bodies lumbering as they walked. Both were male, neither good-looking. The one on the left looked like he lost a fight with a cheese grater. The other one's face was puffed up. They stopped a few feet away. After a few moments of intimidation gone wrong, Cheese Grater spoke:

"We're to lead you to Alpha Murphy. Any hostile actions will be seen as a declaration of war and the rest of the pack will immediately descend upon you. You are to be quiet and do not wander off." With that, he turned and began walking, Puffy staying behind to take up the rear.

I felt the eyes of many wolves on us as we made our way through the smelly, roach-infested home. I could feel Eric and Thalia's disgust.

Thalia's lip curled, They could at least try and make themselves look presentable.

I nodded but didn't say anything. Cheese Grater and Puffy were getting nervous, their bodies tensing the closer we got to a door. Cheese Grater motioned for us to some, swallowing loudly as he approached the door, hand raised to knock.

"Alpha, that Blackwood guy and his subordinates are here." My jaw clenched at his description and I could see Thalia's anger. Even Eric, ever the calm one, was hard pressed to contain his annoyance.

Cheese Grater nodded once and reached for the knob. He glanced our way as he turned it, the handle squeaking in protest. The door was even louder as it swung open, revealing a small, unclean room.

Sitting behind a large desk in a stereotypical bad guy pose was Murphy. The only thing missing would be a fluffy white cat. I kept my face in check as we walked in, not wanting to increase the tension by smiling.

He didn't stand as we entered, his bored expression increasing my anger. I looked to Eric, but he just gestured to the chairs. Murphy looked less thrilled that we were here than we were, but now that we were sitting right if front of him, he gave us his full attention.

"Well, what do you want?" Thalia growled at his rudeness, about to stand when Eric replied.

"You know why, Murphy. I, and a few of the other Alphas, know that it's your pack trespassing. We've told you multiple times to stop them. This is your last warning. If you don't take it... well, we'll put a stop to it ourselves."

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