Chapter 27

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~Asher's POV~

"Asher, love, you need to wake up." When I didn't respond, Kade nudged me softly. I still didn't move, content to just stay in bed all day. 

I felt the bed dip as he sat beside me, his hand coming to rub back. We stayed like for ten minutes, his hand continuing to message me in an effort to wake me. It did the opposite though and I felt myself drifting off. A moment later I jumped up, letting loose a shout of pain before turning to see Kade grinning wickedly. 

Did you just bite my butt?! 

"What, me? I'd never." He tried to keep his expression innocent but I could see the amusement in his eyes. I turned pointing to the now very obvious set of teeth marks.

Uh huh, sure you didn't.

He licked his lips, eyes darkening as they zeroed in on my butt. I walked towards him, crawling on his lap to straddle him. He grinned.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do? You weren't waking and your bum was poking out of the sheets looking good enough to eat. What man wouldn't want to sink his teeth into something that looks so good?"

I snorted, my lips pulling into a grin at his excuse. 

You could have just let me sleep y'know.

"You've been sleeping for the better part of three weeks, love. Plus, we promised we'd help everyone decorate." He chuckled when my mouth made an 'O', "Did you forget?"

I nodded. I had forgotten. Even though the battle happened only a short time ago, everyone was determined not to let it consume their daily lives. Me? Well... I slept most of the days away, pretty much only coming out to eat some of Jasper's delicious food---the majority being leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner---and hang out with everyone to watch movies every once in awhile. Other than that, I kept to myself with the exception of Kade, the pups, and the occasional Rory. Even when I ventured out of the bedroom, I clung to Kade or kept close to the others most of the time, becoming even shyer than I was first coming here if that was possible. I knew no one thought badly of it, but I felt embarrassed by my actions and I didn't fully understand why I wanted to hide away.

Well, today was the day I stopped.

Today was also December 1st aka the day that the pack house decorated for Christmas, a holiday I still didn't get the purpose of. I did, however, want to give Kade something as is the custom. Kade wasn't having it though. He had said I didn't need to when I asked what type of present he wanted, but I was determined to anyway. In the end, though, I had to ask Rory to help since a certain mate wasn't planning on telling me anything.

Kade lifted me up suddenly, causing me to wrap my legs around him so I wouldn't fall. He carried me into the bathroom, closing the door before setting me on the counter. I hissed as I was set down on the cold surface, but he only chuckled before going to turn the water on. He came over once the water warmed up, opening my legs so he could settle between them. 

I glanced at his lips, my tongue darting out to lick my own. I knew he caught the action, his eyes darkening with lust---a look I had become quite familiar with. I was also aware of the semi-hard thing poking me through Kade's pants. Wanting to kiss him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, meaning to pull him to me to connect our lips, but he stopped me.

"Uh uh, love. If we start, we won't stop halfway and we're already at a late start." 

I pouted but nodded, letting loose a small sigh before slipping off the counter and entering the shower. I knew he wasn't going to join so I began to wash, making sure my actions were quite suggestive. Not glancing his way once, I let out a soft moan almost instantly hearing a groan in response. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from grinning in victory. It may have been my fault that we couldn't have morning---or, more accurately, afternoon---sex, but that didn't mean I was going to be the only one frustrated. 

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