Chapter 6

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Asher's Hell^

~Asher's POV~

For hours he beat me, sometimes taking breaks while the others filled in. Every punch, every kick, leaving marks. Curling in on myself, I put all my attention towards blocking out the pain. I didn't move an inch; didn't make a sound. I knew from experience that it would only make it worse. If I was good and took my punishment then it was easier. If I didn't... I shuddered as I did my best to push down the memories. 

The sun was starting to set and my body was going numb. My pelt, slick with blood, gave the only indication that I was---that I should be---in pain. I wasn't a doctor, but I'm sure  some of my bones are broken. I was glad I couldn't feel anything. At least physically.

Bastard. Wretch. Whore. Abomination. 

Names that were all too familiar were spat at me, his words like a whip. I began to believe they were true; started to agree in my mind, anything that would make him stop.

Minutes passed before I realized that the blows stopped. I gathered what courage I had and looked up, instantly regretted it.

His eyes bore into my own. The rage---the hatred---they held made me whimper, but I couldn't look away. My body shook as he knelt before me. I couldn't do anything as he looped a crude, metal collar around my neck and tightened it painfully. 

A yelp escaped my lips as I was yanked up by a rope I hadn't noticed, cutting off my airway. He made his way to a nearby tree, my limp body scrapping along the ground behind him. Annoyed with my lack of effort, whether it be towards struggling or making his dragging easier, caused him to send a kick every now and then, letting out a string of curses as he did so. Black spots started to appear as the minor scrapes that had been slowly knitting themselves back together were quickly replaced by new ones. 

He stopped before the tree, its branches twisting up towards the sky. A single, low hanging branch caught his attention. He smiled down at me, a wicked gleam in his eye. Before I knew what he was doing, I was jerked into the air. The rope tightened around my throat as my eyes bulged. He chuckled at the sight of me, my legs flailing. The smile on his face slipped as I found a small rise in the ground that allowed enough slack in the rope so I didn't suffocate. 

"Why don't you just fucking die, you worthless piece of shit...." He muttered with a sad, almost empty, look on his face before turning away.

And with that I was left there, bloody and broken in both body and mind, dangling from a tree branch as the moon rose above me. 


~Kade's POV~

"Are we ready yet?" I said for the millionth time today as I paced back and forth in the family room where Liam, Rowan, and, surprisingly, Rory waited for Eric. 

I hadn't gone to bed when I returned to the pack house the night before, partly because my head was spinning with the realization that I found my mate and partly because the girls wouldn't leave me alone, asking me every little detail. Even long after night fell, I couldn't fall asleep. I felt like something was wrong. My whole body ached, screaming for me to do something. I knew it was about my mate, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"Eric said to wait until he--"

"Yeah! I know." I stopped, running my fingers through my hair. " I just want to hurry up and go..."

Eric had gone to town with Gunnar to stock up on supplies just in case. Jasper had also tagged along with his mate Lucas to get things for dinner. I didn't trust the human at first, given his family's profession, but even I could see the love he had for Jasper. It also helped that Thalia took me aside and explained what happened while I was gone. 

I glanced at Liam and Rowan, who were sitting side by side. They were muscular guys and looked as Irish as one could be, minus the insane amount of freckles. They could drink like Irishmen too, far exceeding a regular werewolf's high alcohol tolerance. The ginger brothers stood at 6 ft and had muscular frames, though they weren't what one would call buff. With twinkling green eyes and faces that were always pulled in a grin, thoughts of their intimidating looks were cast aside. 

The sound of tires drew my attention and I quickly made my way outside. As I descended the stairs, Lucas passed me with two arms full of groceries and a Jasper hurrying after him, muttering something about that "even the weakest werewolves were stronger than most humans so he could handle a few freaking bags."

I headed straight to Eric who was getting out of his silver mustang, stopping when he held a hand up, "Sorry it took so long but there was a delay in the shipment. Go get the others, we'll leave now." I turned on my heels, meaning to drag them out if need be, but slid to a halt when Rory jumped out with Liam and Rowan. Thalia followed closely behind.

"What? You honestly thought I wouldn't come along?" She asked, hands on her hips, and I raise my hands up defensively.

"I'm happy for the help," I say as I turn back to Eric with a grin, already pulling off my shirt and proceeding to shift. Eric chuckled at my impatience but followed along with the others. 


His scent was everywhere. It took a couple hours to get where we were and it was only because Rory was such a good tracker--- when he wasn't sleeping that is. We had gone around in circles, just like my mate wanted, but soon enough Rory found a decent trail, leading us to the shabby cabin in front of us.

Hackles raised, we fanned out. The scent of other wolves was present but it was old. My paws padded silently as I broke away from the group, making my way around the cabin. It was faint, but I could smell him, feel him. What I saw stopped me dead in my tracks.

A growl ripped it's way out of my throat as I took in the scene before me. My mate dangled from a tree, beaten and bloody, making a pool of blood on the ground. His body trembled as his used all his energy to keep the rope slack enough so he wouldn't suffocate. 

I shifted, rushing to his side, and immediately cutting the rope with my claws. Setting him on the ground as gently as possible, I removed the metal that cut into his neck.  He whimpered and it wasn't just because of the pain.

I could see it in his eyes. Though they were glazed, they held fear. My chest tightened at the thought of my mate fearing me and I vowed to make whoever did this pay.

There are others inside and they're not in good shape. Did you find him? I sent him an image of the situation and flinched as I felt not only Eric's but the others' rage through the mind link.

I told Jasper and Shelby to bring over two vehicles to transport them. Thalia growled. Whoever did this is going to pay.

Soon enough they arrived with Gunnar. Eric had already led out a she-wolf and pup. He told me that they had been in a small cage in the basement of the cabin. They looked to be related with their matching silver fur and the way the she-wolf shielded the pup. I could tell they put up a fight with the way Liam was limping but they looked more scared than anything. 

My mate struggled, growling as he caught sight of the other two. It hurt me to see him in pain, desperately trying to come to their rescue. I tried to calm him, but nothing was working and Gunnar was forced to sedate him. The she-wolf growled, crouching down as if to attack, but a few words from Eric settled her. 

I carefully took my mate in my arms, grimacing at how light he was, then put him in the backseat of the jeep and got in front. Tears threatening to overflow, Shelby put the car in drive, being careful not to hit any bumps. I sat there listening to my mate's soft whimpers as we made the journey to the pack house. 


****I'm really sorry about how long it took for this chapter (it's not even that good). Idk why but it was really hard writing it :/ well i hope you enjoyed. if you did please comment, vote, and share! I'll try to update more often though I won't have a laptop to do it anymore :( ****

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