Sorrows of a New Beginning

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Anne’s Pov.


                I quickly ran out the door, so mother couldn’t stop me, and tried to catch up with Christine and Raoul. “Christine wait for me!” They both stopped and turned toward me. When I finally caught up Christine looked mad, “Who said you could play with us.” I looked at my shoes as I whispered, “No one.”  She snapped at me, “That’s right we don’t want a baby playing with us right Raoul.” I looked up to Raoul hopefully as he started to say, “I don’t min…” and stopped short when he saw Christine glaring at him. Then I heard a voice “Annie Eve darling come see me.” I turned and saw my father hanging out of his study window waving me inside. I looked back to Christine but she was already dragging Raoul away so I turned back around and ran back to the house. I slowly approached father’s study a knocked on the door and entered. He sat at his desk smoking his pipe, while reading a book. A large fire burned behind him giving the light he needed to read. He looked up and smiled, “There’s my little angel come see me.” I smile, skipped over to him and he picked me up to put on his lap. He pulled out his violin out from under his desk and slowly started playing for me. I knew the song so I started to sing along as he played. As the music became quieter as the song ended and he put his violin down, “That was beautiful my little Annie Eve you make me so proud.” I smiled because I loved spending so much time with him. He liked our time together because Christine was never around always with Raoul or mother. “Now Annie Eve why don’t you go pick out a book and I will read it to you.” I nodded my head, quickly slid off of his lap and found my favorite book, then brought it back to him as we sat back down mother came in, “Ann leave your father alone. Go play somewhere else by yourself.” My father raised his hand, “She is not being a bother let her stay.” My mother quickly shook her head, “No you do not need to spend every waking moment with her.”  I simply nodded and followed mother’s instructions and left with her right behind me. When I got to my room she turned me around, “You leave your father alone, you are nothing but a bother to him, and he needs to concentrate on Christine and her future only. I want her to be a star.” I simply nodded and went to my toys and started to play with them.

            The next few months were hard, mother would not let me see father and she made Christine spend time with him singing. The lessons would never last though because Christine would pitch a fit about not wanting to sing or do anything and then she would run away from wherever mother and father were. She always said she wanted Christine to have an accomplished future. She was mean but I still loved her. One day I was with father and mother stormed into the room and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the hall way, “I told you not to bother your father can’t you see he only wants time with Christine because she is talented. You are nothing but a bother and a problem to us all.” Tears streamed down my face as I slowly nodded and turned slowly to go up to my room. Behind me I heard mother saying, “Stay up there and never come down no one wants you here.” As I closed my door quietly knowing she had room only in her heart for Christine and father but I still loved her anyway. Two months later mother became very sick and was dying. She didn’t want me anywhere near her saying, “I don’t want that thing to be the last thing I see if I am to die now.” She kept Christine always close beside her. When she slept I stood at her door and watched her while I prayed for her to get better. My prayers were not answered though because a week later she was gone. Father sadly planned her funeral and it was done quickly and quietly.

            Father was sad for some time but he always smiled when we spent time together, which was back to always again. He taught me how to sing, play pretty music on different instruments, how to read and writing music and read in general. Father said I was very good at it all but I would never be as good as him. Christine wanted nothing to do with us. She was either with Raoul or locked in her room. We all missed mother so much. It had been a while since her death and it was a month till my birthday and I was excited for that. Father was planning a big party for me and he was going to get me a princess dress.  Only a week later though father became sick like mother only worse. I stayed by his side and help as much as I could. This was nothing like when I pretended to take care of him. He had lost all of the happy color from his face. He told me a nice lady was coming to help us and take care of Christine and me. She showed up three days later. Her name was Madame Giry, and she was very nice even Christine came out of her room to spend time with her. She said she was from France and lived in a large pretty place filled with music and dancing. She told us of all the plays she had done. She told us of her daughter, who was Christine’s age and she seemed very nice. My party was canceled but I didn’t care I just wanted father to be alright. It was the day of my birthday and I ran downstairs to father’s room and found Christine in there talking to father. Madame Giry stood behind her with a hand on her shoulder. When father saw me he gave a week smile, “Annie Eve the birthday girl come see me.” I slowly came in and closed the door behind me and went to his bed side. Christine quickly left as soon as I got there. Madame Giry was still in the corner of the room watching us. Father pulled me close, “You know I love you right?” I nodded my head as I watched him reach to his bed stand and grab something. He presented me a small book I slowly opened it and found a silver heart locket. In the middle of it was a pretty white stone and on the back in pretty letters it said Angel Of Music. I looked up to father and smiled, “Angel of Music like from your stories. I love it, it’s so pretty.” He slowly nodded, “Annie Eve darling you are the Angel of Music. I promised Christine I would send her the Angel of Music and that’s what I want you to be for her. Will you promise me that you will do anything she says until you at least find your Angel of Music or who’s Angel you are truly meant to be?” I nodded, “I promise but won’t you be here for us?” His eyes were closed but there was a smile on his lips, “I will always be with you I promise you that. Darling will you sing for me?” “Yes father.

I will be with you

No matter where you go

My arms will warm and guard you

For we are never alone

Distance is no trouble

Because I will always be

 In your heart

And near you

Always right beside

So close your eyes and fly to me  

For I would fly to you

Do not be afraid

For I am with you now and always

Because I love you.”

            As I finished I looked to him and I knew he was no longer listening because he was not here. I started crying terribly as Madame Giry led me out of the room. I had never cried so hard but Madame Giry held me the entire time. A month later we left and made our way back to France. The Opera House was huge and gold with many statues circling around it. In reality it was as magnificent as Madame Giry had explained it to be. That was the only thing I was happy for a place full of song, dance, and music.  This is how I would stay close to my father and keep my promise to him. As we entered the Opera I whispered, “I promise father. Always.”        

I am a Slave for Her Music but an Angel to His.....(If He Only Knew)Where stories live. Discover now