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Sorry no video for this chapter.

Erik’s POV

          It had been almost three weeks since I had last seen Anne Eve in the graveyard and have her see me as well. That night the Vicomte went through my Opera House proclaiming how I could be stopped. He did it as if I wasn’t there and couldn’t hear when I could. Christine was always under watch but this did not matter to me, what did though was that she never let Anne Eve leave her side. She told everyone that the Phantom could take her away and use her sister as bait to capture her. Madame Giry wasn’t even allowed around her even though Christine never gave a reason why she didn’t want Madame Giry around. Lately whenever Christine wanted something she got immediately. The idiot managers went along with it all in hopes that they would attain a peaceful Opera House afterwards. Along with the Vicomte the mangers decided to perform my opera but with Christine as the star because she demanded it saying she was the one the Phantom wanted. Everyone went along with it because they thought it was true. What Christine hadn’t expected though was that she was going to be used as bait to try and capture me.

          Rehearsal and set up for the opera went by quickly. All but one of my orders had been followed and it was the most important to me, Anne Eve as the star. During rehearsals she wasn’t allowed to leave Christine’s side, which stopped Christine from “singing”, so she told Raoul she wouldn’t sing because I would hear. Raoul then went to the manager and voiced this concern as his own concern and persuaded the managers to allow Christine not to sing at the Opera House but privately somewhere else in Paris with Anne Eve and Maestro Reyer. All Christine had to do at rehearsal was walk around the stage it angered me but I was paying more attention to Anne Eve.

          I watched her constantly trying to see if she was being treated satisfactory. She had been wearing dresses with sleeves and high collars so it was hard to tell. She looked empty though and she was always looking over her shoulder not in a frightened way but in a wishful way as if hoping to see someone in the shadows, me, but she never did and disappointed showed every time. It was torture for me to see her like this but at the moment I could do nothing without being caught and that wouldn’t help either of us. Instead I planned on how to save her and get out safely. The catacombs would provide us a way out of the Opera House other than that I had no idea what to expect. 

          Time went on and the night of my Opera came something I had dreamed of for years but it brought me no joy. All I worried about was Anne Eve. I was curious to what Christine would do with Anne Eve. She couldn’t keep her by her side at she did during rehearsal as she would have to be close and hidden. As I set my traps and escapes I tried to think and find places where she could be hidden.

          I made my way to set the traps and pulleys tonight for the entrance and escape even if I didn’t know where Anne Eve would be hidden. As I made my way past the chapel I heard crying. I went to my secret hiding place in the chapel and watched. Anne Eve was in the corner of the room tears running down her face. Christine stood in front of the candle for her father. Anne Eve looked to Christine, “Please don’t make me do this Christine. I can’t fool him like this. Please just let me go to him.” Christine interrupted, “You will do no such thing. You will sing as you always have. You will always be mine.” Anne Eve shook her head slowly as more tears fell down her face. All I wanted to do was wipe away every single one of them and make sure they never fall again. Christine kneeled in front of the candle and started to rub her forehead. Then from the stair way Raoul strolled in and Christine put on her act for him. Anne Eve was ignored as Christine told Raoul she was scared and that I would take her. I shook my head as I turned away not able to handle any more.  

          I went down to the liar and put on my Don Juan costume and black mask. I planned to take Piangi’s place during the performance. Tonight would change everything

Seal my fate tonight

I hate to have to cut the fun short  

But the jokes wearing thin

Let the audience in

Let my opera begin

          I took a candle and set fire to the model of the stage I had made on it. Everyone was on it except Anne Eve I would find her before the performance. As I made my way to the stage I heard from outside the marching of the police. I shook my head they really thin they could catch me. Then as I made my way to one of the highest catwalks where I would hide but before I walked out onto it I heard voices. I stopped to hide behind one of the beams. I peeked from behind and saw Christine, Raoul, Anne Eve, and a random stage hand. I stayed silent and still as I listened

Raoul- “Christine, why are you doing this? She can just stay with me she will be safe.”

Christine- “No she will stay here. Make sure you tie that tightly. I don’t want her or anyone else to be able to untie this until after this opera.”

Stage Hand- “Of course Christine.”

Anne Eve- “Please Christine don’t do this.”

Raoul- “Christine this is mad. Who knows she that she will be up here and why is she up here and not somewhere safe?”

Christine- “Just the three of us know she will be up here and it will stay that way. She is fine as long as she stays tie. Now leave I must prepare.”

          Then Christine and Raoul left with no more arguments leaving Anne Eve alone with the stage hand but he soon left. I still stood hidden as I looked how Anne Eve was tied up. Her hands were bound together tightly and then there was another thick rope was wrapped around her waist. It was tied very well and there was no hope of getting that untied quickly the end of the rope was tied above her around one of the beams on the ceiling. I had an idea and knew exactly how to execute it. I climbed up to where it top of the rope was tied and adjusted it, without Anne Eve knowing, then added a rope of my own and then connected it to the bridge on the stage that I would be on later. I set up another on the catwalk she was on and tied it next to the first rope. Now all I could do is wait and make sure my plan was executed as I wanted it and no other way.   

I am a Slave for Her Music but an Angel to His.....(If He Only Knew)Where stories live. Discover now