All I Ask of You is to Notice Me

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Read carefully things change and I only own Anne Eve. Please comment I love reading them. AND WARNING THIS CHAPTER IS LONG AND AGAIN DOES NOT HAVE A VIEDO FOR IT.  

Anne Eve’s POV

          It was an hour before the performance for the play IL Muto and everything was chaotic as it always was before any opening night. Madame Giry had to help Christine get ready for her role as the pageboy because she would not see me. I had just finished lacing up one of the chorus girl when three others came running toward me screaming, “Ann! Ann!” I waved my hands in front of me to silence them and they did as I calmly asked, “What is going on girls?” One of the younger ones steps towards me, “Nastia, she is stick, and she started puking five minutes ago. We couldn’t find Madame Giry so we came to you.” It was not a good time to be getting sick I couldn’t deal with this right now. Nastia was one of our best girls, she had a huge part on the chorus line because she had a solo dance, and there was no one else that could replace her. I shook my head, “OK thank you girls you did the right thing. I’ll fix this as quickly as I can don’t worry about a thing.” I rushed off to the girl’s dormitories and sure enough lying beside a bucket, that smelled terrible, was poor Nastia. I kneeled beside her, “How you feeling?” She started crying so I began to rub her back like Papa did for me when I was sick. In between sobs she managed, “I feel terrible. Please don’t make me go on and dance.” I quickly shook my head as I soothed her, “No, I would never make you do that. You are in no condition to dance. I’ll tell Madame Giry and we will fix things. Is there anything I can get you before I go and talk to her?” The poor girl shook her head just as she turned to put it into the bucket to hurl. I quickly moved her beautiful red hair out of the way. I stayed only a few minutes longer before I went rushing to Christine’s room, where I knew Madame Giry would be. I entered the room quickly but stopped when Christine started talking, “What are you doing here? I told you to stay away tonight. I want nothing to do with you right now; at least not until I need you to sing that is but that is all your good for but not even that you can get right.” I looked away as her words stung me and Madame Giry shook her head and looked to me, “What do you need Ann?”  I looked up but quickly looked back down when I saw Christine’s unforgiving eyes, “Nastia is not well and in no shape to perform tonight and there is no one to take her place.” I heard Madame Giry gasp I watched as she contemplated on what to do. She finally looked to me, “You are the only who knows her solo and can perform it as well as her. You must do it.” My eyes grew ten times their size as Christine commented on the thought, “You want her to do it. Letting the audience sit there in silence would be better than having to watch her.” I hide my face trying not to show how much my sister’s words had affected me but it was hard. Madame Giry confronted me by put a finger under my chin and forcing me to look at her, “You can do it. Let’s go get you ready.” She turned me around and pushed me out the door but before she could leave Christine yelled, “What about me!?” Madame Giry turned around with a hand on the door, “You are done. Go find your way to the stage you should know your way by now.” Then she quickly closed the door. No one had ever spoken to Christine like that and shock was written all over my face as Madame Giry pushed me down the hallway.

          I was quickly dressed in a green ballet costume while Madame Giry did my hair and makeup. There was white powder all over my face and I could barely recognize myself.  Green ribbons were laced through my hair. Then when Madame Giry went to put red paint on my lips she stopped, “Do you already have paint on your lips?” I shook my head, “No I do not.” She chuckled, “Well it looks as if you do but it seems you do not need any. Your lips are red as it is. You are a very beautiful young lady Ann and your father would be proud.” My heart swelled but I had only heard the part about father the rest went unheard, “Do you really think he would be proud of me or Christine?” She took my hands and looked me straight in the eyes, “He would be proud of both of you for the things you have accomplished.” Madame Giry pick up a basket one of the other girls had forgotten and ran off to give it to her. I sighed and looked in the mirror at the painted face in front of me, “What accomplishments? All anyone sees of me is the painted face I have on now. Christine has done everything. Would he be proud of me?” I got up and made my way to the stage. As I passed people, who I worked with every day, I heard every single one of them ask, “Who is that?” I thought to myself, “Do I look that different?”  As I approached Madame Giry’s side as the curtains were raised and the first singers entered the stage and started singing

I am a Slave for Her Music but an Angel to His.....(If He Only Knew)Where stories live. Discover now