[1] Please Stop..

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Myah's P.O.V~•~

There was a loud crash.. A good sized one to wake me and my three room mates up.. Every bedroom had a consistent of four children in each bedroom..

We were mixed with different ages and genders.. My roommates were the three youngest of the orphanage. Which was River, Lilly and Jay.

River is four, Lilly is three and Jay is two. Jay sleeps on the mattress that's right next to mine.. His foot chained to the metal pole in the center of the room like mine and the other girls.

River and Lily's mattresses where together on the other side of the room. Jay eyes shot open. Fear pieces his light gray orbs..

Our faces were all dirty, our clothing were ripped and old. Jay was only wearing a diaper and an oversized brown polar shirt..
Lily's hair was in two low braid while wearing a gray dirty night gown. It used to be white..
River hair was a messy mess.. Her accent thick with southern.. She also wore an oversize used to be white shirt..

I was wearing my own dirty dingy blue dress with sewing patches. My hair was messy and knotted.. My face dipped with dirt.. I had a worn out knitted sweater that I give Jay to use as a cover. Since we don't have a bed spread or pillows. The mattress are stained and ugly looking.

My chain rattle as I sat up. The coldness in the air clung to me.. We wore the same pjs and same daily clothes..

Another bang occurred. Followed by a loud piercing scream.. I cringed. I planted stomach first onto the mattress.. Jay shuffled next to me. I nudged him into me. His face resting in my neck.. The other girls did the same.

The clock on the wall showed the time of six in the morning.. Sadly. This was the time where a random girl or boy would be picked to go into the special room.. Where your used for the foster mothers sons pleasure..

Since I'm the oldest I'm usually picked to go into the room. It hurts so much I can't even get up.. Than I bleed and is sore for the rest of the week. I'm picked every week, sometimes twice a week.

The other children in the orphanage only sleep with three people in their bedroom. Our bedroom is Room Number 2.

Jami, Noah and Ava sleep in room Number 1..
Jade, Sky and Hope sleep in room Number 3..

Jami who is the second oldest here was most likely taken today. They use her a lot too. Sometimes more than me because that's her punishment.

Jay who's only two already understands punishments. That's how critical they are here. Remember, this is an orphanage.. Not supposed to be a military base. We weren't that far away from people. But we were a little bit into the country side. It was only a twenty minute walk to the city really. Especially put here in the south..

Rivers Home town really. Another scream was heard coming from outside the special room.

Than a loud bang of the door unlocking and being slammed open.. The Foster Mother was a short brown haired Built lady. She had very round curved hips yet kept that old library lady look.

She fumed in unlocking our shackles. She didn't care what we ate.. We only have ten minutes for breakfast.. I quickly run over the list I had since I was one. Yup. I've been here since I was one. And still I was expected to do this stuff. "Get dress. You know what to do." She yelled hastily. As if she was mad yet in a hurry to leave. Nodding I looked back at the list.

•Breakfast from 7:00 to 7:10
•Clean from 7:10 to 11:50
•Lunch from 11:50 to 12:00
•Older kids homework 12:00 to 1:00
>Younger Kids Education 12:00 to 1:00
•Laundry from 1:00 to 2:00
•Younger Kids nap 2:00 to 3:00
>Older kids read from 2:00 to 3:00
•Free Period from 3:00 to 4:30
• Prepare Dinner from 4:30 to 5:30
•Dinner for adults 5:30 to 6:00
•Left Overs 6:00 to 6:20
•Get ready for bed 6:20 to 7:00
•Bed time 7:00

I sighed. The screams just got louder. Until it just stopped suddenly. This scared me..

I quickly changed. Jay was too little to understand the body parts. But I still had my back to him and he had his back to me. I than helped the other three change. I picked with Jay and held him close to me. He rested his head on my shoulder cutely.

I lead the girls down stairs. Meeting with the others. I saw Jade, Sky and Hope, followed by Jamie who was hand in hand with Noah.

"Who did they take?.." I asked wearily.. They took her..

"Ava.." Jami whispered sadly looking at the floor.

"But she's only five!" I yelled slash whispered.

"Shh.." Hope said tugging my work dress. I nodded. "Come on." I stated and we started our day.

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