[4] What Is Nice To Us

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Myah's P.O.V

We were now settle in. And all ten of us was happy to be told we would be sharing a room together..

Our Social Worker left and the really nice lady known as Candice would be our Foster Mother, her husband West, would be there for us as well. The girls as in Jamie, Jade and Ava don't even want to look at him.

There scared of men to the fullest.. Apparently there's some reason that we had to leave our old foster home.. Something to do with men. I wonder.

We all shared two beds so we can sit with each other.. I picked up Jay and Snuggled him onto my lap. We were still dirty. Considering we only got River water to clean ourselves.

Canada was ok I suppose. I mean we weren't beaten or abused.. Which was nice for a change.

Cops came recently. We wouldn't tell them anything. I mean. They questioned is adopt our old foster parents, they scared us to a point where we wouldn't talk anymore...

Lily. Never talked from the start.. She doesn't like to talk. Ever since I knew her she never talk. So I don't know her backstory...

We don't understand the word nice.. Nice to us is food for breakfast and no chains on our feet. These people haven't hurt us.. The children steered clear from us.. But I'm guessing it's to build us up to our weak point to strike...

I mean we weren't treated nice even before our old foster home..

Jamie was given Special punishments by her dad and his friends.
Jade was on the streets since she was born, and raised by street thugs.
Sky had to eat nasty meals with medicine in it that would make her sick.
Hope was locked up in the closet under the stairs with no food,water, clothes, or bathroom time for days.
Noah was abuses by his mum all the time..hit everyday until he blacked out.
Ava had to sleep outside with a leash on while naked with the Pitbulls who were nasty, horrid  mutts.
River was thrown in a river at birth since her family didn't want her, she been in the hospital due to coldness and being premature.. And she has a blood disorder..
Lilly is unknown,
And Jay first words were "Mama Left Me"

We only knew the words of Hard work, Rape, Abuse, Whipped, Chains, No Food, Dirty, Clean, Meanness, Naked, and all the other bad words of slavery.. Nice was Never in our dictionary..

I sighed.. I told the kids a bedtime story. Jamie and Jade helping with happiness. Us three older ones always had to stay happy for the kids.. But we know life is a horrid cruel place..

I sighed. They all went to bed happily.. I sadly crawled away from them to look out the window. I sang quietly to myself..

"Somewhere Out there...
There's another me..
Sometime Out There...
We will be free.."

Demi's P.O.V

I finally decided to meet Wilmer at Starbucks were he would normally be at this time.. At least what his manager Jessalyn said..

So I walked into the Starbucks to see Wilmer with his Hispanic Glorious Grin, and my family..

My mom, my dad, and both my sisters.. I smiled hugely and ran to them. Wilmer basically caught me in his arms.. Since I threw myself on him.

I pecked his lips and went to huge my Mom Diane, My Dad Eddie, My older sister Dallas, and My younger sister Maddie.

"How did you guys get here?.." I asked gesturing towards my family... "And how did you know I was coming?." I asked Wilmer..

"Well Phil and Jessalyn set this up. They said you wanted to surprise me so I surprised you.." Wilmer stated. His arm snaked around my waist and I pecked him on the lips again..

"And Wilmer here flew us out here.. We're staying the whole week at Wilmer other mansion over here. Your gonna be with us too!" Maddie said shouting..

I smiled and hugged my younger sister..

Than I felt my feet not touching the ground. I was thrown like a bag of potatoes over Wilmer's shoulder..

"Mom! Wilmer's kidnapping me!" I yelled to my mom who was now laughing.

"It's ok! He can take you!" My mom yelled back..

I playfully glared at her..

"I love you!" My mom yelled back.. I smiled..

"I'll be back than.. He can't get hat far with the Demi Lovato slugged over his shoulder!" I yelled back.

I could here a chuckle from Wilmer.. "Don't worry. You'll like he place I'm taking you to.."

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