[16] Don't Tell

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Myah's P.O.V

I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what I was doing until I did it.

I remember sneaking out to find Demi, I remember hearing a scream in an alley, I ran grabbing a stick, I struck the man to save Demi..

That's all I remember really. Now I was walking hand and hand with Demi back to the house..

I didn't know what really happen. Demi was like my mother.. I mean- I wouldn't- I don't know.

She's not my mother yet she is..?..

It's all confusing. I never felt love or compassion. I never had the sample of a smile of proudness or cheeriness. Those were always the fake smiles and eyes I handed over to the younger ones.

I felt like I was fake.. That everything was a fake, just a dream.

However when I see Demi this Blossom forms in her eyes as she looked at me. Or the warmth I feel reheating off of her body into mine when I broke down that time in the foster house.

I feel warmth and happiness.?.. Emotions I just can't explain since I've never felt them.

But now. After all my hissy fits and despite against thy Demi Lovato. I was simply here, walking hand in hand with her back to her house. The place were I now live.

I figured we would be gone by now.. That we would be back in the foster care being hit and beaten. Abused once more by men.

But Wilmer was nice and sweet. He never hit me nor yelled. He never wore a sickly smile. He didn't abuse me or mistreat my privacy. He respected me a lot. He made me feel good. So did Demi.

My thoughts were interrupted when Demi pulled me to the side. She blended down on one knee to reach my level.

"Myah.. Please. You must do me a huge favor."

"What is it?" I asked. I honestly felt this need to protect her. Like a knight to a princess.

"Don't tell, you can't tell Wilmer what happen tonight ok?!?" She asked frantically.

I nodded.. I knew to trust her. It was almost instinct. "Ok Demi. I promise."

She nodded and we walked in silence the rest of the way back home. However something caught my eye. Little white lines covered Demi's wrist when we walked under the lamp post that shone a bright orange light.

Those were the same lines that were scribbled measly on my wrist.. I shakes my head. Demi was a super star, and a strong person.

She wouldn't do this to herself. Than again it made me wonder. Why does she want us. I sighed and shook my head.

We reached the door. Demi opened it a fake smile plastered on her face.

"MYAH! DEMI! Oh god I was so worried!" Wilmer Screams as we walk in.

"Wait how did you know I was gone?.." I asked. However a small head peaked around the corner. A small Hope was there wearing her onesie.

"Hope!" I snarled at her. "You promised you bitch!" I screamed at her.

Demi and Wilmer looked at me with gapped mouths. They parted from there hug.

"Myah watch your mouth." Demi says sternly. "Haven't these kids bin through enough? You don't need to swear at the child.." She tells.

"Whatever. She made a promise to not tell. I know she told. And we both know I don't mean it. I always curse at them or around them. And you can't tell me what to do.." I tell her straight up. I don't understand. I was just happy now she tells me what to do?. Why are parents so confusing??

I sighed. "I'm going upstairs. Demi give her some milk and she'll knock right out."

I walked upstairs and fell right asleep as I hit my duvet.

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