The Prom Dump

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You were so pumped for prom tomorrow. You went dress shopping and everything. You picked out this really pretty dress. It was a really pretty blue and white. You had a necklace, shoes, and earrings to match. 

You got dressed and put your makeup on

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You got dressed and put your makeup on. You slid your shoes on and then put your necklace and earrings on. As you were getting ready, your phone went off. It was your date. 

Sorry. Can't go with you. I forgot, Lindsey asked me to go with her.

You sat there and stared at your phone. Was he being serious? You decided to find out.

Are you being serious right now?

He never answered. As you realized he was being serious, you started crying. You decided not to go. You took your dress and makeup off. You slid your shoes off and sat on the edge of your bed. You sat there and decided you definitely wasn't going. You slid on some jogging pants and a T-shirt. You walked downstairs and saw them all sitting on the couch. 

"Y/N? What the hell are you doing?! You're going to be late!"

"I'm not going."

"What do you mean you're not going?"

"I got dumped. I'm not going."

You handed your phone to your father and sat down on the other couch across from your father, and uncle. 

"Your date is a loser, Y/N. Anyone who would ever think about leaving you needs some serious help."

"Thanks, Uncle Sam."

"You know what would make you feel better?"

"What Dad?"

"Egging their house. Know their address?"

"Yeah, it's 1803 Kimberly Drive."

"Looks like we're going to the store."

You all run out to the Impala and jump in. Your father starts her up and drives to the store. You jump out and run inside. You buy 3 dozen eggs. One for each one of us. He was going to pay. You run outside and get in the car. 

"You ready to make this jerk pay?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Okay! Let's do this!!"

You pull up to his house and all the lights are out. You look at your father. 

"Remember the plan?"

You nod and make your way to his window. He always left it unlocked so I could come anytime. They were gonna egg the house and you were going to trash his room. His mom told him he had to clean his room to be able to go. You climb in and trash the room. You were pretty proud and you decided to leave a note. You grab a pen and paper. 

You were supposed to clean your room. You must've forgotten to. Hope I helped a little. Btw delete my # and forget everything about me jerk. I don't ever want to speak to you again. Oh wait, I blocked your #. I forgot :)

You climbed out the window and ran to your father. You grabbed the last egg carton and egged his window. You even threw a few in his window which you accidentally left open. You were content and you guys loaded up and went home. Let's just hope he never messes with you again. 


This was such a fun write. I love it. It really inspired me. Legit. Hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did. This is my last one for tonight. Gnite guys! Luv y'all!


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