Heartbroken Cas

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You and Cas have been together about a year. It was the best year of your life. Until you found out he was an angel. He had hid it from you. And it hurt. Today you had decided to talk to him about it before your relationship ends. 


"Yeah, Y/N?"

"Can we talk?"

He walks around the corner and looks at you with a confused face. 


"Sit down."

He comes around the couch and looks at you. He turns towards you and his electric, blue, eyes stare at you. 

"Okay so we have been together a year now. I honestly think it has been the best year of my life. I love you Castiel. I do. That's why I have to address this so we can get past it and move on."

"Y/N, what do you mean? Get past what?"

You grab his cold, small hand and hold it with both of yours. 

"Why haven't you told me you were an angel?"

He sighs and looks at you. 

"Because I thought I was doing the right thing."

"Well Cas you were wrong!" You yell accidentally. 

He looks sad and scared. You sigh and look him in his electric, blue, eyes.

"At least tell me you haven't been helping the Winchesters."

He looks at the ground in guilt. You could tell he had been. You were disappointed in him. 

"Cas...you promised. You promised you would stop helping them."

He still stays silent. You have tears rolling don your face and you wipe them away. 

"Well say something!" You say standing up in front of him. 

He never does. 

"Cas, I thought you were different. I thought you would be the one."

You chuckle.

"Looks like you were the same as every other guy."

"I am different. I do love you. I would do any-"

"Cas, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm sorry. I've made up my mind. Goodbye Castiel."

You walk to the door and turn to face him one more time as tears stream down your face. He has a guilty look on his face. 

"I loved you Cas. Now someone else can. Tell the Winchesters I said thanks for ruining everything I ever had."

You look at his face one more time and your heart breaks into a thousand pieces. You walk out the door and get into your car and buckle up. You look at the window and you see him at it watching you. He was crying too and he had one hand against the window. You fake smiled and backed up. 


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