Scared Shitless

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You and your boyfriend had been dating for about a year and you had decided it was time to have him meet your father. The only problem was, your father was Dean Winchester. And you knew how he would feel.

You had your boyfriend come over and since your father wasn't home yet, you hid him in your bedroom. You guys hung out until you heard the Impala coming into the driveway. He was home. And you were scared because you didn't know what his reaction was going to be.

You told your boyfriend to come with you and you guys sat on the couch next to each other. Your father walked in and saw your boyfriend. Shit was about to go down.

"Y/N? Who's this?"

"Dad, sit down. I want you to meet someone."

Dean stared at your boyfriend the whole time. It was weird. He sat down across from you two and stared him down.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, (Boyfriends name). He's really sweet, and he is the best guy I have ever met. (Boyfriends name), this is my father Dean Winchester. He can be rude sometimes, but all in all he means well. He loves me and takes good care of me."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Winchester."

Your boyfriend hold out his hand to shake, but your father ignores it. He just stares into your boyfriends eyes.

"You too, (Boyfriends name). I just want to get a few things straight. And I have a few rules. I'm going to explain them, and explain what happens if you break them.

1)No sex. Sorry, not ready to be a grandpa. If I find out you had sex, I will break it off. Got it?"

He nods and looks terrified.

"2)No breaking her heart or I will break your face.

3)If she goes somewhere with you, you protect her like you would a diamond or money. Got it?"

He nods.

"4)If you don't like pie, we can't be friends. Sorry not possible.

5)Zeppelin is the bomb. I will ask you that randomly so remember that. Got it?"

He nods.

"Well then, looks like we'll get along just fine."



"You know, I didn't want you to scare him. I wanted you to meet him."

"I know. And you know I just wanted to make some things clear. I think he understands. Right?"

"Yes sir."

"I like this guy. Where'd you find him?"


"I like him. Who's the bomb?"


Dean throws his head back and laughs.

"Good memory too."

"You just told him this like legit a minute ago."

You had a feeling this was gonna work out just fine. You thought these two would become best friends by the end of this. You just hoped your dad doesn't scare him away.


Okay so this is the last one for tonight. Sorry.

I'm tired AF. I know it was short. Sorry.

Goodnight guys! Luv ya,


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