Accidents Happen

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3rd Person POV

It was a cold rainy day. Y/N and Dean had went to get dinner. Y/N begged Dean to come until finally he gave up and obliged. They got in the car and headed towards town. The roads were slick and Dean was having trouble controlling the impala. Y/N looked at Dean, her eyes flooded with worry. 

"Maybe we should head back." Y/N states. 

"We are almost to town." Dean replies. 

Y/N nods and looks out the window. As she was looking she didn't notice Dean struggling to control the car. She turns her attention to him and she sees a tree getting closer and closer. She feels the impact and her head jolts forward and hits the dash. They both black out. 

When Dean wakes, the rain had stopped. Hlooks in the mirror. He notices the wound on his face.

He ignores it and he looks over at Y/N

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He ignores it and he looks over at Y/N. He saw blood running down her face and he notices the glass stuck in various places in her skin. He reaches over and tried to shake her awake. 

"Y/N? Wake up. Wake up!" Dean demands. 

Y/N doesn't move and he does the only thing he could think of. He would call Sammy. He grabs his phone and opens it. The screen flashes a no signal sign. He sighs and goes to plan B. 

"Cas!" he cries. "Cas! Please, HELP US!" 

Dean looks at Y/N and sighs. He hopes and prays she'll be okay. Dean hears a gust of wind and the trench coat angel appears. He runs over to Dean's door and throws it open. Dean jerks his head and smiles. 

"You came."  Dean says relieved. 

"Of course I did. You called. Are you hurt?" Cas asks. 

"I'm good. I just need help out."  Dean confirms. 

Cas grabs the door and he easily rips it off. Dean crawls out and Cas runs over to the other door. He rips it off and sees how Y/N is positioned. He unbuckled the seat belt. Dean stumbles over holding his stomach. 

"Is she okay?" Dean asks.

Cas doesn't answer and he wraps her arm around his neck and he carefully lifts her out. As if he was scared he'd break her. He carries her over to the flat ground next to the impala. He puts two fingers on her forehead and he attempts to heal her. He sighs and looks up at Dean who had crouched down next to her. 

"I need you heal you." Cas states. 

Dean shakes his head. 

"Her first." Dean demands. 

Cas nods and looks at her and tries again. He couldn't heal her and it made him sad. He looks at Dean and sighs. 

"I can't heal her." Cas says feeling defeated. 

"Can't you zap us to the hospital?" Dean asks. 

Cas nods and Dean crawls closer to him. 

"Close your eyes." Cas demands. 

Dean does as he's told and when he opens his eyes he was holding Y/N in the hospital parking lot. He looked down at her lifeless body. He ran inside.

"Help! Someone help!" Dean cried. 

A couple nurses ran up and started questioning Dean. One grabbed a gurney while the other asked questions. He laid her down and watched as they rolled Y/N away. 

"What happened?" The nurse asked. 

"We were on our way to the store for dinner and the car kept sliding. I tried to pull over till the rain stopped but the car slid into a ditch. It was an accident I swear." Dean explains.

"What's her name?" The nurse asks.

"Y/N." Dean answers. 

"Are you related?" She questions. 

"No. We're just friends. Best friends." Dean answers.  

"Okay, okay. Stay here in case I have any more questions." 

Dean nods and tears roll down his face. He starts pacing back and forth in he emergency room. He throws his hands on his head and cries as he stares at the room they took her to. 

He stops pacing when he sees Cas staring at him

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He stops pacing when he sees Cas staring at him. He sighs and walks over to Dean and pulls him into a hug. 

"She's gonna be fine

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"She's gonna be fine. I promise." Cas comforts. 

Dean sniffs and looks at Cas. 

"Thanks Cas."  He says with a smile. 


Damn. Now I'm depressed. 

This was a very hard imagine for me to write.

I cried a couple times. Just saying. 😉😉

Anyway this is the easy shit. It gets worse. 

4 more days🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼🎄🎅🏼

Love y'all 


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