Part 122: don't ruin our friendship....the lat thing I want

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Recap: You and Khalil are STILL not going out but you guys did do a-little something ;)!!!!!!

(Khalil comes back out of the bathroom from finishing doing his stuff...wink.wink)

Khalil: (comes out of his bathroom and looks straight at you in a awkward way) you want t- (gets cut off)

(Y): (pushes side band behind your ear) um (bites her lip not looking at him but the floor) I'm just going to go (goes over to his dresser to get her stuff)

Khalil: no don't go (he starts to walk to her)

(Y): lil imam go (smiles at him awkwardly)I mean...I promised I'll go over JANELL'S house (grabs one of his sweaters to borrow)

Khalil: (looks down) I know it's kinda akwa- (gets cut of)

(Y): no really Khalil we are good (smiles and zips up the zipper)

Khalil: (frowns) you want me to go with's a long ride (starts to grab another sweater)

(Y): (takes the sweater out of his hand) no lil I'm good

Khalil: you sure I coul- (cut off once again)

(Y): I'm sure (she walks out of his room with out a good bye)

Khalil: (staring at where she was standing before in shock) ok bye (waves but se was already gone)

(you walk all the way to the bus stop by yourself.the bus came and you sat all the way in the back again and thought about what happened to you and Khalil on the bus and at his house)


Damn. I'm not sad but this whole situation is funny as hell I hope this all blows by the next time I see him.....he's so adorable he seemed nervous like a fucked up he didn't at all but I'm not going to lie it is going to be very awkward. Watch all our friends are going to find out about the what happened and it will get awkward between all of us...let's hope not. I really can't stop thinking about what could I? It was amazing the best thing I mean I didn't know sex was like that good or fun....not that we did have sex cause we didn't but we did touch a lot, kiss, dirty talk and he fingered me. But that doesn't count....right? Yea I'm right cause I heard my friends say that doesn't count. I wish I could rewind and not leave so early or even not do what I did....not that I reverted it I ABSOLUTELY don't but then again we should've watched a movie or something then it wouldn't I up awkward.....I hope what happened dost fuck up our relationship best friends wise.......ugh I wish I knew what was happening next


(Khalil hasn't text you yet so you become worried this did mess up you guys friend stare out the buses window and began to tier up thinking about how you would be very sad if Khalil ever went out with another girl when you still have feelings....just then a tier was about to fall from your hazel eyes until you hear a voice that sounded familiar)

???: hey is this seat taken (grins)

(Y): not at all (you move your purse/book bag out of the way so the person can sit.while doing all of this you didn't even look up at the stranger)

???: thanks (Y) where are you coming from (smiles and sits. Down next to her)

(Y): um (confused at how the stranger knows her name so she looks at him/her) ROC (smiles hard)

Roc: (smiles and wraps is arms around her waist for a hug) HEY.....who did you think I was (let's her go from the tight hugg)

(Y): (smiles) I have no idea I was scared to find out to...but it's just my friend roc (hits his arm)

Roc: yup (blushes) just your friend (frowns alittle and looks at his phone) why you out so late

(Y): (looking down at your bracelets an playing with them) I was with khalil remember the dare that I had to go to his house to chill (she turns her body towards him)

Roc: o yea (smiles and turns his body to)

(Y): if I may ask you the same question.... why are over here (checks her phone for texts)

Roc: well since it's a chill day for mb. First me and kyah went out for ice cream because janell and Princeton was fighting about something so we left....after we came from ice cream I came over here to visit my aunt she lives by kahlil and she just had a baby so....yea (takes a deep breath and smiles big)

(Y): well damn (blinks hard) you had a full day (giggles)

Roc: yea and I ended up buddy (he touches her arm)

(Y): (blushes) yea (looks in his eyes)


I can't do this to kyah.....or khalil he's flirting with me why? dose he still have feelings for me? I know I do he's so sexy, nice, and talented I never stop liking him at all because I'm a bigger fan of mb then Khalil but khalil is my thing...roc is so sweet and certainly still my celebrity husband after Chris brown ugh. When he smiles at me I just want to hug him. Every time I see him the song hook it up by mindless behavior pops in my head and all kinds of love songs............i have no idea how I'm going to deal with this


Roc: (smiling back at you) you ok there (chuckles)

(Y): (blushes) sorry I zoned out (looks out the window agian)

Roc: so............(he try's to get her attention) how's everything

(Y): (looks at him) great and you

Roc: it's tuff (frowns and looks at her)

(Y): (giggles) what could be so damn tuff in your life boy. (pushes him)

Roc: (smiles) well tuff cause I'm stuck on this girl.....but don't worry it not you (looks away lying and laughing nervously)

(Y): whatever who said I was thinking it was me bum (giggles)

Roc: (pokes her side) why you still single giggles

(Y): (laughing hard) hey!.......and I don't know I'm ugly, are you single for the same reason rocky (smiles at him)

Roc: very funny (making a sarcastic face) but no I can get any girl I want (grins at her) I was asking you first

(Y): sure you can (rolls her eyes) you couldn't get me (smirks) and I dont know no one asked me yet (shakes her head)

Roc: (shakes his head) surprising.......and I could get you if I want slik (smirks) but I don't want you (laughs)

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