chapter 45

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This is a very short chapter..... I think i am going to keep writing this book.... Also this chapter sucks.......


"Hello Zara" the woman in white dress said drifting slowly towards me.

"Who are you?" I asked

"You'll find out later,but for now it's time to wake up"

End of dream

That was a intresting dream, cheacking the time I got up and started bringing my bags down stairs.

"Zara I  thought you would never wake up" willow said coming down stairs.

"You know there is a thing called waking someone up" I replied with sarcasm in my voice. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay,so we are ready to go" Willow cheerfully said as she closed the back of the car.

"Bye baby" I said to Nathan giveing him a bear hug. Even though I am coming back I knew Nathan was mad and sad since i was leaving. He tighted the hug then gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye baby girl" he replied letting go. He then quickly ran inside the pack house, I could tell he was about to brake down, I mean it hurted me that I had to leave ,but I knew it hurted him more since his wolf.

"It's okay Zara" royalty softly said giving me a hug as I broke down in tears.

After she let go I wiped the tears and got in the car quietly. I knew Royalty was probbly hurting too since her mate was the beta, Zach didn't even say bye to her that's how mad he was.

"Impickingupraven"willow said quick she said it so quick that i didnt even understand a word.

"Speak slower" Roaylty said.

"Okay,so i invited raven to come with us, she knows more about the castle then I do" Willow explained as we pulled up to Ravens house.

"Hey you guys" Raven greeted as she got in the car. I mumbled "hey". I didnt have a problem with raven I mean how could I, I hardly knew her,and i wasn't one of thoose girls who hated someone based off their looks I just wasn't that type of person.

"Were taking a boat!" roaylty happily yelled.

"Yeah,i thought it would be fun, cause I never been on a boat and you both told me you haven't been on one either" Willow told us as she unhooked the boat. I hope this trip goes well.

So i decided to give yall a chapter. stories live. Discover now