Chapter 12-Complicated

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Chapter 12-complicated
The next day came and it was school. Great. Another day there equals more drama. Although, I do get to see hat boy again. Hopefully I don't have to get messy again.

I walked to my closet trying to figure out what to wear. I might as well wear the same thing I was at the baseball stadium and technically, I did wear that earlier today, so it's not dirty. I fixed my hair and put on my lip stick.

All done

I walked to the kitchen and got myself some toast. I spread the butter evenly on every side and started to eat it. I leaned against the counter as I ate the bread. I headed to my car and went to school.

The place was packed full of teenagers. I slammed my car door and went for the entrance. As I was going in, I bumped into Seth. "Hey Seth." I greeted with a pearly white smile. He just waved. His shaggy brown hair was trimmed neatly.

I walked to my locker and put in the code. 13..27...11 click. I opened the door to see my retro backpack hanging from the hook. Just how I left it. I always keep it in my locker and take the homework home to do. I never do it and it ends up being in the morning school work. "Hey blue Jay." Smalls greeted. I closed my locker and we talked.

"How did you know where to find me?" I asked. He chuckled. The kind that says funny story.. but, was it a funny story? No.

"You were just standing here and I saw you." He replied. That's actually a pretty normal 'funny story'. We talked for a while and then I told him I needed to go. I walked halfway down the and I looked back at him. He waved. I ran into Jordan.

"Hey flamingo." He said. He started to kiss me out of random. I pushed him away. That was weird.

"Whoa, hands off the merchandize." I told him. I wimped off my jacket with my hands. I caught him looking at something else of mine. "Hey! My eyes are up here."

"I know. But I wasn't looking at your eyes." He told me. Really? You had to do that? I crossed my arms. "Aww. Don't be mad." He told me. What was his deal? He is acting really strange. He looked over my shoulder

"What are you doing?" I questioned. He didn't answer. Was is he acting like an ass? He continued to look over my shoulder. I walked away to Hat boy.

"What is going on?" Smalls asked once I got over there. I sighed and put my hand over my forehead.

"Ugh. Just Jordan." I said to him. "Do you know what is his deal? He's acting like a real ass." I pointed over to Jordan. I mean what is his problem anyway? As soon as I thought that I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me away.

"What do you think your doing?" It was Jordan. He was not happy and neither was I.

"What do you mean?! I can talk to other guys if I want to." I told him. He being a real jerk. Hopefully I wouldn't have to get blood on my fist again. I'm not afraid to.

"No. You. CAN'T!!" He bossed me around. I am so mad at him. More of infuriated. I can hang out with who ever the heck I want.

"Give me one good reason!" I told him. I didn't care if I would loose this friendship because if he is going to act like this, I don't give a crap.

"Because you're with me!" He shouted.

"NO YOUR NOT!! I NEVER AGREED TO THAT!! WE ARE JUST GOOD FRIENDS!!" I yelled. I didn't care about what he was going to say. It was more of what he was going to do.

"What, what?" His voice went small and soft. It was like he was shy, and weak. I have a motto. And I live by it. Right now I'm ashamed to say I live by it. But I do and I will. No mercy for the weak. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"We are just good friends. We are not together." I told him. I walled away to class. I must off left him heart broken. But it was.. complicated.

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