Chapter 19

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"Rosie you don't have to tell me something that you're not comfortable with" Alex said looking at straight at me. Right now I was sitting in his lap, fiddling with my fingers because I was nervous on how he was going to react when I tell him.

"I want to tell you but I'm nervous on how you are going to react when I tell you" I said still playing with my fingers nervously.

"You don't have to be nervous, you can tell me" he said smiling at me.

I took a deep breath , "okay"

" It was my second year of highschool and that was the year I met Chase. Chase was a nice , sweet, and funny guy. That's what I thought at first but anyways Chase and I grew closer to each other. Of course I started developing feelings.

Then Chase told me that he developed feelings for me. So since this was a high school crush and everything I was happy. That was when a few days later he asked me out and of course I said yes.

It was the end of the year when the incident happened. Chase and I were at his house watching movies and laughing. Then Chase started kissing me and going down. I didn't feel comfortable with it- "

By this time tears were already going down my face.

"So I told him to stop, but he didn't stop and kept going. I tried pushing him off but he held my arms down. I felt so weak. Then he started ripping off my clothes and by this time I was screaming and kicking him off me but he wouldn't budge.

He kept hitting me so I would shut up. I was so scared because of what was going to happen.

After he was done, I was naked , tears rolling down my face with a cover wrapped around me. I saw that he was asleep so I put some clothes on and left. I never spoke to him after that

Alex h-he raped me. I was so scared to tell the police because I was afraid that he would do it again. I was so scared Alex"

I was already having a breakdown while Alex was comforting me.

After a few minutes of crying I looked up and saw complete anger in his eyes.

"Alex" I whispered looking at him. He looked at me and then looked away.

"Alex what's wrong"

"I just can't believe that he actually did that to you" he said with his fist clenching


"Do I have permission to permanently mess him up?" He said looking at me.

"Alex I don't think that's the right thing to do right now"

"Not the right thing to do?! Rosie he raped you! You can't just tell me and think I won't do something about it!"
He said with sadness and anger in his eyes.

I sighed, "Fine but don't kill him"

"I'm not making any promises"

"Alex I can't believe you actually did that! I didn't think you were serious" I said walking to the office with him.

[ Earlier ]

I was in my second class when someone bust open the door.

"Miss there is a big fight happening in the hallways"

Once the kid said that everyone ran out the classroom to see what he was talking about. .

That's when I saw Alex beating the living shit out of Chase.

I mentally slapped myself and went over to them. I know crazy, me about to break a big fight apart.

Alex kept throwing punches, while Chase was trying to hit him but Alex dodged every hit that Chase tried to give him.

I pulled him off of Chase as soon as he was about to hit him again.

Just as soon as I pulled Alex off of him the teacher pushed through the students and saw what was happening.

"Rosie! Alex! Principal office now! Someone take Chase to the nurses office"

[ Now ]

"The funny thing is you thought I was joking when I said I was going to mess him up" He said chuckling a little.

"Yeah no kidding, He has like 20 bruises on his body, and his face is black and purple." I said noticing that we were close the principal office.

We walked in the office and sat down in the not so comfortable chairs.

"You two are in so much trouble right now"


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• [ Authors Note ] •

Yes I finally updated. You will find out why I haven't updated my books and also why this chapter is short in the news section.

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• [ News ] •

1. The reason why I haven't updated my books is because my house flooded since my brothers decided to break the pipes in my sink. Long story.

2. This Chapter is short is because I'm at my grandma house and she barely has  WiFi here, so I'll still try my best to update. I even set a alarm for when I will update my books.

3. I will update my other story on Thursday but just a little warning, it might be short also. I'm sorry.

4. 36 more days until me birthday! I can't wait!

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• [ Riddle time ] •


1. You cannot cheat
2. You don't have to participate. I'm not going to force you.

Side note: I'm gonna make this riddle easy just because I love y'all.

Side note 2: The answer to other riddle was Charcoal. Congrats if you got it right, I dont know if anyone did.

Riddle: What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?

That's it for now.

I love you Squishies! ❤

-BabyCakes out!

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