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Y/N is your name
Y/F/S is your favorite store
Y/F/N is your friend's name

You've just moved in to your new apartment and finished unpacking.

Today is my day to chill, you thought as you slumped onto the couch. You decided that pants were unnecessary today and walked around the apartment in your panties and an over sized tee. Your hair was in a gigantic messy bun on top of your head, in all honesty it looked like a bees nest. But you cared less about that as you watched YouTube videos of Mark and Jack.
They were your heroes, and you were their crazy fangirl that shipped them together, stalked their social media, and wrote/read fan-fiction. All twas good in life, schools over forever you started a YouTube channel and worked at Y/F/S with your bestie, Y/F/N.
Knock knock. Why do people not want you to chill. You got up put on your emergency shorts, you got out just for the occasion and fixed your bun. You walked to the door opening it about to yell at someone. "What do y-" you stopped mid sentence. You looked up to see a pair of chocolate brown eyes and red hair. You became paralyzed once the name of said person registered in your mind; Markimoo.
"Um hello I'm Mark, I'm your neighbor and I wanted to welcome you and apologize in advance for yells and screams." He said nonchalantly, even though you were freaking the fuck out, on the inside of course.
"I-uh h-hello, uh thanks um I'm uh Y/N." You said stuttering the whole thing then cursing under your breath while mentally face palming. He held out his hand and you shook it awkwardly. Stop being so awkward Y/N jeez it's just Markiplier standing in front of you. You take a deep breath. "Well I gotta go record a video it was nice meeting you Y/N" he said waving goodbye. He smiled and you felt your heart explode in a good way. As soon as he left you realized you had been holding your breath. You take off your pants again cause today was still no pants day and waited for his video. You texted Y/F/N and told them everything. They didn't believe you and wanted proof. How in hell are you gonna get proof, stalkerly take a picture of Mark when he's not looking?!

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