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You were talking to F/N on the phone about what you do. "You should tell himmmm" F/N whined. "But what if he doesn't feel the same then our friendship will be ruined" you countered. You hear a sigh "true ugh I don't know I'm sorry" with that you said your goodbyes and hung up. To make today better was that you were leaving and going back to your apartment. Mark's still your neighbor a voice said in your head "damn it" you say out load. I can't tell him I won't. You remember all his fans going crazy and all the threats. I can't go through that again. You sat in your room packing. You haven't posted in awhile but you didn't feel like it.
Knock knock. You go answer the door, it's Mark. You feel hot tears. "Y/N there's something I need to tell you". A tear falls down your cheek.

Mark's POV
"Y/N there's something I need to tell you" I start then notice the bags she's leaving early then I notice she was holding back tears. I try to pull her into a hug but she pushes me away. "What is it Mark" she chokes back on tears. "I um I want to say that I like you" she looks up towards me "Mark-" I cut her off. "I like like you" I say. "Mark please don't say it" she whispers. "Y/N I love you" she starts bawling still rejecting me to hug her so I pat her back. "Mark-" she looks up, standing straight, staring into my brown eyes, I swear she looked sorry.
"Mark I don't feel the same I think we should just be friends -if that-" it felt like being stabbed with a knife. I put my hand on my chest surprised there wasn't a gapping hole or something. My heart felt truly crushed when she said "if that". I felt tears rise up. I balled my hands into fists digging my nails into my palms. I've cried enough for this girl if she doesn't feel the same then fine. "If that's what you want then I'll just be going" I stood up straight beginning to walk away. "Have a good flight" I scowled. I don't know why I was angry but I was. I slammed my door and began packing since I was leaving tomorrow. Fuck my life. I decided to write a note.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry but since you don't feel the same way, please don't contact me. I don't think we can be friends, I don't think you want to be friends either so it shouldn't matter, I am truly sorry for anything I did to make you feel this way. I didn't want to be just friends so again I'm sorry.
Sincerely Mark (iplier)
I didn't want to see her again. I want to bury any feelings or memories of her. I can't be her friend it will hurt to much and would keep me from moving on. The thing is I was also lying. I did want to see her again. I want to go back in time to when we first meet. I quietly went to her room and taped the note on. Her door handle started to turn so I sprinted back my room closing the door. Damn I felt really bad.
I didn't upload anything and went to bed.
The next day I got on the plane. I don't really remember it since I was still heart broken. I couldn't bring myself to deleting her contact and photos on my phone. When I got to my apartment I went inside after staring at Y/N's door for a minute. Damn it Mark move on. My phone vibrates and I immediately thought it was her only to see it was Jack.

Jack: Mark what happen
Mark: what do u mean she just rejected me and now I feel like shit
Jack: damn I'm so sorry
Mark: it's fine
Jack: r u okay wanna talk about it
Mark: no I'm fine everything is fine.
Jack: okay just know that I'm here for u

I threw my phone at the wall between on apartment and it cracks straight down the middle. "Fucking stupid idiot of course she didn't like you" I yell then collapse to the ground, like a mess, tears rolling down my face as a picked up my phone and looked back at our pictures. There was one of us holding hands but the crack on the screen separated us. What the hell universe.

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