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Morning came too fast as the bright sun shined directly into your eyes. You groaned getting up and stretching.
You went to the kitchen to have a bowl of cereal and went on Twitter. So many people were asking you questions. Then you realized you never posted about the times and stuff like you said in your video. "Oops" you mentally face palmed and began typing away.
After that you went straight to YouTube and watched Dan, Phil, Pewds, Jack, and Mark's videos. You went to your professional YouTube computer and recorded happy wheels, edited and posted. It was now past lunch time but you were too lazy and hungry so ordered a pizza.
Mark was screaming and yelling at some video game in his apartment and you chuckled guessing it was I am bread.

"What to do now" you said to yourself. Packing...right. You grabbed a suitcase and piled clothes in it to fold later and then got your carry on back pack for your laptop and vlog camera.

Time skip to the day of the plane ride

You dressed comfortable; sweatpants and a sweat shirt; just barely sociably acceptable. You whip out your camera to start the vlogging.
"Helllooooo children, Y/U/N here and I'm waiting for my flight to board so I'm awkwardly sitting all alone with my camera talking to myself" you smile looking around and see adults glancing at you. "Yep extremely awkward" you laugh. A girl no older than 12 walks over to you. "Oh....my.....GAWD YOUR Y/N" she screams then covers her mouth in shock. "Yep, what's your name" you ask slightly rubbing your ear hoping your not deaf now. "Oh um I'm Jamie" you point the camera towards her. "Well hello Jamie your the first fan I've met in real life" you guys talked for awhile until it was time to board the plane. You didn't vlog on the plane cause you were asleep the whole time.

When you landed you got a cab to the hotel and decided to text Mark to see if he got here safely. You had a right to worry, he's your friend.

You: hey Markimoo you all good
Mark: yep I'm in my hotel
You: okie just making sure your safe

You bump into a man while walking through the hall.
"Oh I'm so sor-" you look up to see who you ran into. "Oh hey Y/N what are you doing here?" It was Mark. "I'm staying here" he started laughing, you two were hall neighbors, what are the odds.
You split ways and go to your rooms. You were still laughing. It was pretty late...."oh shit" you yell to yourself "the vlog!" The run to your camera.
"Oh gawd sorry this will be late I completely forget whoops" you half smile at your stupidity. "Well I'm at my hotel and guess who I ran into... Markimoo" you laugh again. "Well this is my space" you pan around the room. "That's it for this vlog again sorry it's late and short" you edit quickly and post it. You fall onto your bed asleep, when was the last time you actually went into bed.

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