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Mark's POV
I haven't seen Y/N all day since last night. She didn't come see me this morning. She didn't call or text. I couldn't find her anywhere. That is until right before the panel I see it.
Y/N and Jack hugging. Then I kept seeing them together everywhere. No they are just friends. Are we just friends? That kiss meant something to me, did it mean nothing to her? Was she with Jack now? So many questions, so little answers. I pretended not to notice her and continued my day. No one really cared about (ship name) or at least didn't ask about it. My day was pretty good even though she was completely oblivious of me.

I went home, alone since Y/N left with Jack earlier. Very suspicious if you ask me. Jack knows I like her...right? I went to her room and was about to knock when I heard them talking and laughing. I felt...jealous. I felt jealous and angry so I went to my room slamming the door. She's with Jack isn't she. I knew it. I felt like crying. Crying over the girl I was never even with.
I heard her door open and close I guess Jack left. I sat there on my bed looking at the pictures of me and     Y/N. After about half an hour my phone buzzed saying she uploaded a video. I quickly tapped the video.
"Hellllloooo my children. Sorry about not keeping up with the vlogs but I was having personal problems that a lot of you probably already know about" she takes a deep breath. "The whole me and Mark thing, we aren't a 'thing' by the way it was just...for the panel...for the sake of the game" I felt my heart shatter and the world became a bit fuzzy as tears started falling down my cheeks. "Sorry-" I zoned out lost in thought even though I wasn't even thinking of anything. "well that's all for now, remember to like and subscribe byeeeeeee" I laid on my bed tears still streaming down. This is what heart break feels like.
I fell for my neighbor but she doesn't feel the same. I decided to text Felix since I was kinda sorta furious at Jack.
Mark: Felix help plz
Felix: what's up dude
Mark: watch Y/N's new video
Felix: hot damn that's harsh
Mark: what do I do
Felix: it's my fault I'm sorry I shouldn't of pushed u guys together
Mark: no I'm glad you did
Mark: I'm still sad though
Felix: you should be texting her about this not me
Mark: what do I do about Jack
Felix: what about Jack
Mark: I think they might be an item
Felix: Jack wouldn't do that to you bro
Felix: plus I'm 52 percent sure he's gay or at least bi
Mark: wait what
Felix: go talk to Y/N
Felix: bye good luck

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