16 (less feels)

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You wake up in the park, laying down on a bench. What the actual fuck. You sit up and quickly call Mark.
"Mark oh gawd" you start to tell him what happened. "She fucking drugged me and now I'm at the park by the cliff to the river....please pick me up and hurry" you look around ending the call. You see her standing by a tree watching you. "What do you want from me" you yell. She smirks "just my Markipoo" you stand up and charge at her. You pull your fist back and punch her square in the nose. "Your gonna regret that bitch" she says as a tall muscular man grabs you and stabs another needle in your neck. In your last moments of consciousness you give them both the middle finger and a faint fuck you.
While your unconscious you begin to think about your life and what could of happen if you told Mark the truth. Also how the hell did no one notice that scene.

Mark's POV
I quickly arrive at the park surprised that I hadn't been pulled over for speeding. I run around asking the few amount of people that were there if they had seen her. I began to loose hope when a girl about Y/N's age comes over smiling. "Oh Mark you came I was so worried something had happened to you sweetie" she says as I then realize it's that creepy fangirl. "You-" I point at her trying so hard not to bitch slap her ugly face. She looks at me acting all innocent. "What do you do to Y/N" she gets an annoyed expression.
"You mean that whore that was ignoring you, that rejected you, that caused you all that pain, that played you. She was taken care of no need to worry your handsome little face" she moved her hand to face.
I slapped her across the face harder than intended. "Don't you dare talk about that way" she looked up at me, she looked about as angry as I did. She snaps her finger and a big burly man comes over with Y/N thrown over his shoulder like she was a sack of flour or something. "Oh Y/N" I try to run over to her. "Not so fast pretty boy" she says grabbing the back of my shirt. She was surprisingly strong. "You belong with me" I looked at her like she's crazy cause she fucking is. She stops glaring at me and nods towards the man.
He grabs Y/N by her neck dangling her over the cliff. It's not that steep but just enough to break some things. "No" I scream. I see Y/N's beautiful face turning red since she can't breath. "Please I'll do anything just let her go". The girl turns to me smashing her lips into mine then says "be mine forever and forget about her" she whispers into my ear. I feel tears in my eyes I really don't want to but I don't want my true love to suffer. "Fine" I practically spit at her. She smiles wickedly. You sick mouther-fucker I mumble to my self. "Let her go" she waves her hand to man as he lets Y/N go...over the cliff. "NOOO" I run over to the cliff in an attempt to grab her but I was too late. The police arrive which means someone had the sense to call them. "Put your hands in the air NOW" one yells I continue to lay there staring at Y/N's unconscious body. Please be okay. I then here that girl screech running towards a cop with a knife. Then a gun shot and then another. They just shot that crazy bitch. She deserves it. The man that dropped Y/N was arrested as an ambulance and a team of rescue workers picked her up I quickly ran into truck as we sped to the emergency room.
Once we arrived she was immediately taken to a another room and I was questioned by the police. I told them everything and then waited in the waiting lounge. A nurse came up to me to fill out Y/N's paper work. Four hours later I was allowed to go visit her.
I carefully opened the door so I wouldn't wake her.
"Oh Y/N" I whispered under my breath. She looked terrible. She had a breathing tube down her throat. IV and a heart monitor. And a bunch of other stuff that I don't even know what it is. Her left leg was in a cast along with her right arm. She also had a neck brace and had a bunch of small cuts here and there.
If she had hit her head any harder she would have been dead. I walked up to her. "I'm so sorry Y/N" I grabbed up left hand holding it gently. "She took quite the fall, she's a fighter this one" a doctor walked in. "Can she hear me?" I asked quietly choking of tears. "Not really sure she defiantly has some brain damage" I thought about it brain damage? " She should wake up in a few days maybe a week" I sighed and looked at him as he sighed too. "I'll tell a nurse to set up a second bed for you" he half smiles as he walked out.

Six days later: Back to you

Where the frick frack am I? Why can't I see? Why can't I move? Why can't I speak? You hear soft sobbing in the background. Who's that? Your eyes start to flutter open and your blinded by a bright light. You slowly adjust to it and see your in a hospital room. You also notice there's a tube down your through and you start choking. Your vision is still a bit blurry but you see a figure run out of the screaming for a doctor. Then someone with a white coat presumably the doctor walks in and removes the tube and some wires. He gives you a pill and your vision returns to normal. You see the doctor, some nurses who just came in, and a half Korean man staring at you with tears in his eyes.
"Okay now that your awake we would like to run some tests so please kindly step out Mr. Fischbach" the man begrudging walks out.
"Okay so let's start with the basics, what is you full name?" You think a bit then remember "Y/N (middle and last name)" the doctor writes on a clipboard.
"How old are you" you quickly answer "25"
You go through more questions then he asks.
"What do you remember of recent; of these past months" you sat there you couldn't remember anything of those months. You shake your head. He writes more down. "Okay thank you for your time you should rest" he walks out and you hear mumbled talking the man from before looks devastated but you don't know why. He looks familiar. Then a name hits you, "Markiplier" why is he here with you in a hospital? Now that you think about no one has told you why your here either. You lay back down thinking trying to remember. Nothing.
The next three days doctors tell you everything a little at a time. About that crazy lady who basically tried to kill you. But no one would tell you about why Markiplier was here. After more tests you were finally allowed to leave. But where did you live. The hospital had called your friend Y/F/N to pick you up and help care for you, so you just hope they know where to go.
"Oh my gawd Y/N I heard everything I'm so sorry" Y/F/N pulled you into a big hug. You guys got into the car and started driving. "So you don't remember any of this, moving her and stuff" you shake your head as you pull up to an apartment building. Wow.

A week later

Today is my day to chill, you thought as you slumped onto the couch. You decided that pants were unnecessary today and walked around the apartment in your panties and an over sized tee. Your hair was in a gigantic messy bun on top of your head, in all honesty it looked like a bees nest. But you cared less about that as you watched YouTube videos of Mark and Jack.
They were your heroes, and you were their crazy fangirl that shipped them together, stalked their social media, and wrote/read fan-fiction. All twas good in life, you recovered from all your broken bones you got back into YouTube and worked at Y/F/S with your bestie, Y/F/N.
Knock knock. Why do people not want you to chill. You got up put on your emergency shorts, you got out just for the occasion and fixed your bun. You walked to the door opening it about to yell at someone. "What do y-" you stopped mid sentence. You looked up to see a pair of chocolate brown eyes and red hair. You became paralyzed once the name of said person registered in your mind; Markimoo.
"Um hello I'm Mark, I'm your neighbor and I wanted to welcome you back and apologize in advance again for yells and screams since you probably don't remember me" he said a little sad. "Wait whoa whoa whoa the Markiplier is my neighbor?!" You take a deep breath. "I'm sorry I don't remember this but I'd be happy to get to know you again" you awkwardly wink and he chuckles "I'd like that too want to come over and play some games" you nod as you guys walk over to his apartment. "You will also have to meet Jack and Felix again" he says smiling clearly excited. "I knew Jack and Felix too" you gasp. "Can we skype them please Markimoo" he laughs and nods opening skype on his computer.

A/N: OMG I'm so proud of this ending just. I kinda want to write a sequel but I probably won't.

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