Say who now?!

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I finally arrived at the twins' house and knocked at the door. Christine opened the door and we headed inside. The scene is not what I expected. 

What did I expect? I thought there would be a big sort of investigation going on, that they need me for an emergency. Instead, I saw Christina sitting on a couch in their living rooms with a notebook in her hand. 

"Hey", Christina greeted.

"Why did you want me over?", I asked.

"Okay, this might sound weird. We made you come here 'cause we know who the last demigod is. Well... the truth is that it's just a theory, but a big one. We just want to confirm our suspicions", Christine said.

Christina explained the weird part, "This notebook - ", she said as she held up the notebook she's holding, "- is the beginning of our theory. At first, we don't know who it belongs to."

I saw Christine's hands trembling, not sure if it's from fear or the temperature in their house.

Christina continued, "We found it lying on the floor after a surge of wind a few weeks ago. I reckon it is either left by someone not far from the area, or it got carried there by the gushing wind. We scanned the pages and saw Greek letters. There are also drawings, startling ones actually. The person must've been practicing or it is pure skill, which is uniquely incredible for a normal human"

"Greek letters, rushing wind, skill", I muttered, "The last demigod"

"Right", Christine agreed, "We tried to search for the owner - "

"Tried", I repeated, "You didn't find that person".

"Well, not exactly", Christina said.

"So let me get this straight. You made me come here in the middle of the night to tell me this theory of yours that you could tell me in the morning?"

Christine described, "As we said earlier, we have a suspicion", as if I hadn't spoken.

"For the last few days, we've been investigating", Christina said.

"And what did you find out?", I inquired.

"We think she owns the notebook", Christine muttered.

"Who's the 'she' you're talking about?", I said quickly. I'm worried that the voice in my dream might've been a clue. I know it's not too bad to know who the last demigod is, but it's bad enough to think that this person might be my half sister. Well, the voice said 'Daughter of the mist' so I assume that this 'she' might be a daughter of Hecate. I don't know how to react. Am I supposed to say 'Hey sister! You're a daughter of Hecate. We are demigods. We could die on quests but we should celebrate'?

I didn't realize that while I was thinking, I blocked out from reality and Christina is calling my name.

"What? What did you say?", I asked.

"I said that it might be Maggi", she said at last.

"Maggi?!", I queried, frantic to hear the name, "Why would you think that?!"

"Wellllllll...." a moment of silence.

"Well what?", I shouted.

"She knows about the notebook", Christine said.

"And we heard her talking in Greek", Christina added. 

"Maybe she's just acting. Pretending!", I said in defense but I know I couldn't keep on doing this forever. I need to know more.

Irene Vaughn and the Eternal CaptiveWhere stories live. Discover now