The arrows are mocking us!

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Adri woke up last since the rest of us have been discussing about the 'situation'.

She got confused and asked, "Why are you all awake? It's still so early!". Then I realized that she usually wakes up late. Nine in the morning is early in her case. 

She got ready and we headed to a random restaurant for some food. While we were eating, I thought about the talk we had this morning.

Now that the twins know about their true identity, we are more capable of attracting monsters. The monsters might think 'Oh look, four demigods walking around! I'll share some with my friends'. Although I'm not sure if it would share its food since almost every monster would probably eat us on sight. It's either that or it'll take us somewhere as an order. 

We started planning out day, of course, with a few considerations on our demigodishness. I'm not sure if that's a word but honestly, I don't care. 

Duke excused himself. We continued planning. I realized that the twins are acting strangely after knowing that their mother is alive. Not just that, Adri is also acting weird. I'm worrying that she's taking signs that we're hiding things from her. I felt a bit of pity but stopped to remind myself that if she knows more, she might either not believe it or she'll be in trouble.

Duke came back with a panicked face and the word I was just thinking about, "Trouble."

"What?", Christine asked, followed by Christina, "Where?"

"Relax guys! Maybe it's not that bad", Adri said. Leave it to her to be optimistic. Well, she wouldn't act that way if she knows what kind of trouble we're in. 

"Back at school", Duke finally said, "We should go back. Now."

We are lucky to get plane tickets though. I don't know how but the twins managed to convince them. They came back with our flight booked. 

Hours passed and we landed. We went directly to the school. It turns out that the problem meant that every few minutes, an arrow shoots at a wall with a message tied to it. The message kept saying random stuff in Greek, like 'Hi', 'Good luck', or even worse 'You're dead!'. Other students don't understand, but we do.

We tried to talk to Aphrodite but we can't even find her. The arrows are still shooting and it started since we were still in Greece. The last one finally came, as if sensing our presence. It contained the names of five people. Christine, Christina, Adri, Duke, and of course, me. 

I was the first to read the letter. The principal called on me and asked me to call the other four. 

"What were you thinking?", miss principal asked, "You can't just shoot random arrows!"

"We weren't shooting them!", as if on cue, the twins appeared. 

One of them must've been good with words since the principal's next words were conflicting what she said earlier, "Of course you didn't!".

Then suddenly changed her mind, confused, "I mean, I'll meet you five at the office".

As expected, we obeyed. 

Her office is large with walls covered of bookshelves. I'm not sure if she reads those books since most of them are dusty. Her table is wooden with a comfortable-looking seat at the back where she sat. There are no other chairs so we are forced to stand. I'm guessing she kept the chairs hidden to make us stand. 

"Now tell me the truth. Did you send those arrows?", she said in form of a greeting. 

Very welcoming, I thought. 

"No ma'am", Duke was first to speak. 

"Then who did?", the principal asked.

"We don't know!", the twins said with a pleased smile when the principal's face went slack. I don't know why. No one dared to say another word.

"Well, why are your names in the flaming one, assuming that it's the last?", the principal regained her composure. 

We can't answer that one. Honestly, I was thinking of it as a warning. Who's warning? I do not know.

"Hmm?", the principal asked once more, "Tell me".

An arrow was shot at the wall behind us. Written in the paper, "Tell her"

"What the?", Adri said mid-shock. 

"We'll deal with that later", miss principal said, "Now answer me honestly".

Another arrow was shot next to the other one, "Be honest!"

"Stupid arrows", I muttered with obvious annoyance. 

"We don't know anything about those arrows!", Adri said, "We're being honest"

The next arrow said, "No you're not"

"Uh!!!", I finally gave up resisting the urge to crumple those messages. I grabbed each one and threw it out of the nearest window. 

"Littering!", the adult said with a satisfied smile that gave me the creeps. 

"That's it!", I said, "Why do you hate us so much?"

"I don't hate you. I dislike your actions", she replied.

"Oh shut up!", the twins said. And the principal's face went blank again.

"I know you act for multiple reasons!", I shouted. Without meaning to, I glared at her and thought of her greatest fear. I don't know what it is. I didn't even see what it is but I know she saw something in my eyes that I cannot. She looked terrified after a minute of my glare. 

"Get out!", she screamed at us. 

We went to the door with a hurry.

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