What Next?

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I don't own the characters, the story is my own making. Please don't steal my ideas! Hope you enjoy my story and be sure to comment and vote for more chapters!

"How can he be alive he jumped off a building! We all saw him there on the ground you remember, John, don't you?" Lestrade moaned with his face cradled in his hands hovering over his tea. I knew I would get this reaction from everyone, but John, he won't look me in the eye and he hasn't spoken a word to me since I stood on that roof ready to fool them all. I was going to tell John, but he was knocked over by that stupid biker.

Finally John speaks, but to Lestrade not me, "Well he is Sherlock Holmes we should have expected this from him." he sounds hurt, but I detected a tone of (however small) amazement. He hasn't slept for days and rarely eats. Emotions, they'll always get you into trouble. John gets up and leaves leaving his jumper. "Wait John!" I yell as he walks out. When I catch up with him I start to explain the position I was in and the pure genius I displayed.

" John, I... I wanted to tell you and I tried, but you got knocked over by that biker!" I start to explain, but he cuts me off before I can tell him why I faked my death. "Sherlock I don't want to hear it, okay? You 'died' a two years ago! You could've called or texted! Why would you subject me to that? I'm not one of your little experiments!" before he can turn I grab him by the shoulders, " They were going to kill you, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, and everyone else I knew. I couldn't let them. They said the only way to stop it was to jump, so I did." I can feel the hurt in his eyes puncturing holes into my heart as he turns to leave.

I follow him until we got home, 221b Baker Street, though it was only a few hours it seemed like ages since I'd seen the little flat that I share with John. "Sherlock?!" Mrs. Hudson's warm voice washed over me as she entered the door,"Is it really you? John, it's Sherlock! Here like nothing ever happened. You should be ashamed of yourself, really faking your own death? John was in a state of depression for ages! How did you do it?"

Over tea and biscuits I tell them what happened. After what felt like ages John spoke, "Moriarty really threatened to kill us? Oh, that's why you made the diversion with Mrs. Hudson breaking her hip! I should've known when you acted so nonchalant about the news as if you were commenting on how thick all are." I was about to respond when--CRASH!

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