Chapter 4

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John's POV

I felt sick as i saw Moriarty's perfectly groomed face. "Hello, John. Did you enjoy my little present. Quite clever don't you think?" He said in that sickening singsong voice he does. "Why?" I croaked my voice raw from being drugged. "Why what Dr. Watson?" "Why did you survive while he died? Why are you still here?" Moriarty let out a laugh that would have made the devil shudder in fear. "I, my dear Watson am alive because I'm better than Sherlock ever was, I was smarter, I was quicker, and I had more to live for," his voice raised into a yell as he spoke. Then he walked up to me and barely whispers, "Unless thereis something that has been hidden from me." I pale at the thought that someone could have found them. "Hmmm, that's what I thought. Who is it and what connection do they have to Sherlock Holmes?" As he said this he grabbed my arm and pushed me into a chair. I grit my teeth and closed my eyes. "Fine, maybe they have a connection to his dear late wife Allison. I will find out Dr. Watson. You can count on that." He let go of my arm and left the room with a huff. I couldn't help but worry about the twins Lily and Uriah that him and Mary were looking after in their father's absence.

Lily's POV 

"Stop! Leave him alone! Uriah are you okay?" Uriah was again getting beat up, as always were able to hide the bruises and tears from John and Mary. They're always saying how much we were like our Dad. John said that I had his dark curls, piercing blue eyes, and his brain. I had my father's violin and John got me a piano to play also that was really the only thing I've enjoyed in my father's absence.

The last bell rang and I followed Uriah and we both hopped onto our bikes and sped away from the God forsaken hell that we call school. I stopped and got fresh white lilies just as I had everyday for the past year. The florist knew me of course and gave a couple extra flowers everyday that I kept in my room.  

They were probably not good for me seeing as they only reminded me of my sadness. I guess that's sort of my reason for keeping them. I didn't want to forget my Dad no matter how much they say it I Lilly Anne Holmes will never believe my Dad was fake. I went to my Dad's grave and sat down next to it. I put the flowers where the old ones used to be and started to cry. "Why did you leave us? We can't get away from the teasing and now they've started to beat me up as well as Uriah. John never notices because we try to hide it from them, but I just want you back. I know you're dead, but please don't ever ask me to believe you were a fake because you weren't. You were Sherlock Holmes consulting detective and the best Dad in the world when you could be." I got up and left putting the dead flowers in the trash and left with tears still stinging my eyes.

Uriah's POV

When Lilly got home the grief as written on her face. Today marked one year. Two years since he told us he was a fake and one year since he jumped and ended it. I was angry at him. I was angry that he left us just like our mother. I was angry because he thought he could lie to us and tell us that he was a fake. I was even angrier now because my sister who has always been shy and fragile emotionally was now bullied everyday. Her treatment was even worse than mine I could see the words cutting deeper and deeper into her skin. Lilly was bleeding out and there was nothing I could do to help her, but despite all that Dad had put them through everyday without fail she would take white lilies to his grave and talk to him.

I gently hugged her and took her to the kitchen to clean her up before John and Mary got home from work. I walked into the kitchen and she let out a squeak of surprise and there before us we saw our Dad.

Sherlock's POV

Lilly turned white as a sheet when she saw me, but Uriah on the other hand turned blood red with anger. "You!" He shouted, " You thought you could lie to us then go and die? We've been through hell and back because of you!" I knew he would respond like this and in response I enveloped them in a hug. Lilly was now crying and Uriah had calmed down and was just looking at me as if he was afraid if he blinked I would disappear again. I let go of them and Lilly turned and ran upstairs to her bedroom that he used to occupy. "I should go talk to her." I said feeling guilty. Lilly had always been very sensitive and reserved I can only imagine what they've done to her. From what I heard from her it was hell.

I ran after her and walked into my bedroom nothing had changed except the fact that her clothes were hanging next to mine, her school books sat next to my old experiments, obviously the bed was recently used, and I was shocked to find a vase with white lilies on the bedside table. I walked to my little girl who had been hurt more than anybody I'd every seen and it's my fault. I picked her up and cradled her. She was only thirteen, so I could still do that right? She sniffled and looked up at me with her wide blue eyes she looked a lot like me yes, but that was only the hair, eyes, and maybe even her mind. Everything else screamed Allison. Uriah was the complete opposite though he looked like his mother with his dark emeralds for eyes, and light brown hair which he always spiked, but he was like me personality wise.  

When they were little I remember taking them to a phycologist and finding out that they were both sociopaths like me and the bad news kept coming. They also had ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia it never stopped them though they excelled in everything they tried. Uriah was very good at sports, but Lilly was a musician from birth. I smiled at the memories of her singing and playing her piano she would even sneak my violin every once and awhile. I would pretend not to notice.

I rocked her until she spoke, "Why?" my heart broke when I heard her voice. She sounded so broken, so sad and it was all my fault. "He would have killed you. I had to I needed to keep you two and John safe. I'm sorry sweetheart." She only nodded. She just stared at me for a while making sure I was really there and suddenly she jumped up and grabbed my violin. "I forgot about my lesson! I'll be back in an hour." She kissed my cheek and ran out the door. I watched her jump on her bike and speed off. I chuckled and went to talk to Uriah.

Lilly's POV

I ran up to Ms. Stubbs' house and calmly went inside. The house was old by my deduction about fifty. I like Ms. Stubbs she was a kind old lady who'd been playing violin for twenty years judging by the on her fingers and the violin that she used. "Hello Lilly. How are things at home." "Great thank you for asking." I replied awkwardly I've never been very good at making polite conversation.

Soon I was lost in my own little world playing my favorite song the one that Dad made for Mom when they were newly married. I finished and rested my bow at my side. " That was wonderful sweetie! I know you're ready for Friday!" she praised as I packed my things. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I departed and sighed in relief. Why did people have to make me so nervous?

On the way home I stopped and got treats. I got Dad his favorite tea, I got Uriah chocolate, a new jar of strawberry jam for John, and for myself I got a pint of vanilla ice cream. Uriah usually steals a few bites of my ice cream, but I don't mind. I really kind of enjoy the fun I get to have with my brother since our only other friend is Connor Lestrade. I would never tell anyone this, but I like Connor he's sweet and tries to be friends with me even if I have no idea how to carry a conversation.

I was a bit distracted walking back and bumped into a man who by my deduction was wealthy, single, and Irish. Sure enough when he spoke I immediately found I was correct. " I'm sorry my dear. What is a pretty young lady such as yourself doing alone in the streets of London?" " I'm sorry I was lost in thought. I just popped out to grab something for my brother, my Dad, and my friend. I never caught your name." "Louis. James Louis. And you are?" Of course I wasn't stupid enough to tell him my real name. " Jennifer Green." I lied holding out my hand. After he shook it he spoke again. "I'd best be off. It was nice to meet you Jennifer." With that he walked away.

I hurried home to find that John wasn't back yet and Uriah looked worried I went pale. "Where's John I asked getting everything out and handing it to each individual except John's which I put in the fridge. I grabbed a spoon and sat in Dad's chair as usual. I already knew what was going on. The game had began again, but this time we were also players.

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