Chapter: 13

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Lilly's POV

I awoke the next morning in the chair I'd fallen asleep in. I layed clutching the box as if my life depended on it, and in a way I guess it did. Mycroft knocked and walked in with a change of clothes, "Dad wants me home by eight?" He nodded and left me to change and eat the breakfeast that had been layed beside me on the table by the chair as I lay asleep. I always kept a few outfits with Mycroft just in case I have to stay with him for a while. The outfit consisted of a pair of my running trousers, and matching shirt, with my trainers that I had loved to jog in with Uriah. I dressed, ate and met Mycroft by the door still clutching the box I hugged him and left for home. He tried to make me take the car, but I'd instisted on walking. I hated the walk, all i could think of is how it should be gray and rainy, not sunny and clear. I'd just lost my brother and everybody was going about their business as if nothing had happened. I didn't cry as I walked because I had learned the hard way that attracting attention was probably one of the worst things to do.

I reached 221b Baker Street without question and when I went inside its like the homocide department of Scotland Yard had exploded in the kitchen. Dad turned and when he saw me he got a sad look and turned back to Lestrade who he was arguing with about something, probably the fact that he already knows who killed his son and that there are at least three of his least favorite people standing in his living room. John saw me standing in the doorway and ran over to me and ushered me to my room before I could ask any question. "Why didn't you tell us you were going to Mycroft's last night?" "Dad already knew that's where I'd be." I replied curtly and sat on my bed. Tears blurred my vision as I looked down at my box and finally they escaped my control and fell with a splash on the little box that held my last attachments to my twin brother. I looked at John and imediately felt like a little kid again, his face softened as he felt my grief reside with his own. He sat next to me on the bed and put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a fatherly embrace, though he wasn't exactly my father I felt safe with him. I let my tears fall silently and he cradled me like after my father died and for the first time in forever I felt like there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

I stayed with John until Lestrade cracked the door and said something about getting my story. John kissed my forehead and walked out of the room leaving me with Lestrade. I looked at my lap as he pulled my desk chair over to the bed, Okay, I thought to myself, I have to make sure that Moriarty pays for what he's done. The tears stoped and I gathered my thoughts and emotions I placed the box beside me. Lestrade who knew me well enough to know what I was doing waited paciently until I looked up and met him in the eye, I saw tears in his eyes as he asked a question that sounded like a plea for sanity, "What happened?" I felt my breath catch in my throat as I lost control for a second as I looked into the eyes of Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade and felt like I was back in that room in Scotland Yard telling him about dad. I cleared my throat regaining the reigns on my emotions, "Moriarty was a step ahead of us and my blindness caused my brother's death. When you took Moriarty into custody he tried to tell me something was up, but i didn't listen. I thought the game was over because I thought I had checkmated the king. If I had maybe he would still be alive. I had gotten what I'd wanted after two long years and it blinded my and dulled my senses. Moriarty first took my mom, then my dad, and now my brother. Don't look so surprised I know what lengths you, John, and dad took to hide it from us, but I figured it out eventually." Lestrade motion for me to start from the beginning and I launched into the story.

Sherlock's POV

There were shouts from the bedroom as Lestrade burst through the door with a box in hand and a very upset Lilly behind her. "This is evidence Lilly, you'll have it back in two weeks tops." "No, give it back that's mine! Please, Give it back it's all I have left." The tears came as a river down both sides of her red and blotchy face and gathering at her chin dropping whenever she made a sudden movement. I walked over and grabbed her into a hug and she sobbed into my chest as I nodded to Lestrade to take it. "Lestrade, I want all the contents of the box back in three days." He nodded and him and his team left. I held Lilly cradling her in my arms a tear slid down my face followed by another and soon i had a steady stream to match Lilly's. John had left with Lestrade saying that he needed to tell Mary. I didn't care that he had to leave, I think that I needed him to and he knew that. Lilly's sobs were the only sound that reached my ears as we sat without saying a word. It's just us now, we're the only ones left. I had built a family and it was dying. Moriarty would not get my Lilly not ever.

Soon Lilly's breathes becae slow and rythmic revealling she was asleep. I carried her upstairs and laid her in her bed and I sat in the chair Lestrade had left and went to my mind palace. I walked down the corridors to a room that held my memories of Uriah organized in filing cabinets. I pulled one out of a young Lilly and Uriah with their mother.

A toddler Uriah and Lilly ran up to me and hugged my legs as me and John walked in after a case that took me out of town for a few days. "We missed you daddy!" squeaked a little Lilly as she hugged my right leg. I stooped down and picked the two little ones up and carried them into the living room and set them in front of a Disney movie about a mouse detective. Lilly was shouting deductions and Uriah soon joined her. Eventually they both fell asleep and I put them in bed; walking downstairs I heard the front door open and I pulled out my gun. John joined me and I walked down to my relief to find my wife standing in the doorway. She walked up and kissed my cheek and went into the kitchen. I put my gun in my jacket and followed. "The twins?" "In bed." She kissed me and walked past to go see them. When I went up I found her holding Lilly and stroking Uriah's light hair. "Golden slumbers kiss your eyes, Smiles await you when you rise. Sleep, Pretty baby, Do not cry, And I will sing a lullaby. Cares you know not, Therefore sleep, While over you a watch I'll keep. Sleep, Pretty darling, Do not cry, And I will sing a lullaby."

I left my mind palace and looked at Lilly. I softly sang to her "Sleep, pretty darling do not cry and I will sing you a lullaby.

Lilly's Dream

She wandered through an empty gray corridor when she heard the soft playing of a guitar. Thinking it was Uriah she ran towards the sound and was greeted by her brother's music. It washed over her like a calming wave. At the end of the song Uriah turned and she saw he was wearing the same shirt as when he died. Except instead of the scared boy she had held she saw only a strong happy man in his place. The shirt was colored a dark crimson right where he'd been shot. He smiled and setting down the guitar and hugged her. "You're dead, I watched you die. How are you here?" "I'm here because there's something I need you to rethink your relationship with." "Who?" "Pete." "Peter Lestrade!?" "It's not bad you've always trusted him." "Is he with Moriarty?" Uriah winced as if the word brought him pain. "No, not that I know of." "Then what about him?" "He's had a thing for you for a while. I could tell you did too. The way you two looked at each other." Lilly blushed, no one was supposed to know that. "Should I talk to him about it?" "No, don't tell him. He could get hurt." "You want me to lie about my feelings?" "Sorry, it's for the best." "If it comes up I'm not going to lie to him, I can't." He nodded understandingly. "Think about it, bye Flower." "Where are you going?" "Nowhere you're waking up and that means I have to leave too."     

    Lilly awoke with a start and sat up in her bed. "Dad must have moved me here while I was asleep." She got up and texted Peter 

  "Meet me @ Speedy's I'm paying -LH

She threw on her favorite outfit white keds, skinny jeans. a loose fitting shirt, and a long cartigan. The threw on some make up and went to the kitchen. It would be twenty minutes before he got here so she made tea for her Dad. Sherlock groggily stumbled down the stair just as the kettle boiled. He jumped as she took it off and poured it leaving a scone a plate; putting his tea and scone on a tray she walked over to him setting it on the table beside his chair. She kissed his forehead and went to Speedy's.

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