Chapter 10

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Lilly's POV

There I was the day after Christmas with dad our guns out and ready. We were in the same warehouse that dad found those kids in when Moriarty kidnapped them. I go to the breaker and flip the lever and the lights turn on revealing Moriarty and Uriah standing in the middle of the room. Uriah looked like he was terrified and in pain making me want to kill anyone who tried to get between us.

"Uriah are you okay?" Before he could answer Moriarty spoke,"Oh, I wouldn't be too worried about him if I were you." Dad jumped in,"Let him and Lilly go home I'm here isn't that what you wanted?" Moriarty laughed, "No, You're boring. I want Lilly. Now that's a good game!" "I'm not your plaything Mr.Moriarty. Uriah, come on we're going home." Uriah didn't move, "Oh, go on Uriah I'm just going to kill you all anyways." The blood drained from my big brother's face. "L-leave them and take me instead." he said standing the sniper's red dot relocated to Uriah's head as he stood up. He was taller than Moriarty, but size means nothing when you have a gun to your head. "Hmm, let me think about that. Okay, you two can go I have what I want."

"No!" I scream moving towards Uriah, "Leave him alone!" I was on the verge of tears. "Oh wow, what a show! No sweetheart he's mine. Now leave before I put a bullet through not only your brain, but your dad's, your brother's, and anyone else I feel like. Chao!" I knew he didn't have anymore men dad eliminated all of them. Without thinking I ran and tackled Moriarty I pulled him into a headlock and pulled his his head close to my mouth and whispered in his ear,"Now Mr. Moriarty I sugest you leave me and everyone else alone from now on or else I will skin you. Understand?" I flipped him and he landed on the ground with a CRACK! HE groaned as I pinned him and looked him in the eye, "I will kill you if ever try to lay a finger on my family ever again. I knocked him out by smacking him in the temple with the butt of my gun. I stood up and looked at dad who looked shocked, "Now dad if you would be so kind as to carry of unconcious phsycopath out while I get the police." He walked over to me and grabbed Moriarty by his hair and threw him over his shoulder and walked away. I walked over to Uriah and helped him. Once we were outside I took my gun and shot into the air three times. Minutes later the police arrived.

Sherlock's POV

"Wait what did you do to him, Sherlock?" Lestrade asked flabergasted. I looked at Lilly, "I did nothing it was Lilly go ask her questions. Oh Lestrade, he was threatning Uriah if that gives you any clues." I walked over to John who was looking at Moriarty's wounds. "Sherlock what the hell did you do to him?" "It was Lilly obviously. Go ask her." I chuckled and walked away.

Lilly's POV

Lestrade walked away from my dad and came over to me, "Lilly do you have any idea what happened to Moriarty?" I smiled responded, "OH you know I sorta tackled him, put him in a headlock, threatened him, flipped him, pinned him, and threatened him again before whacking him in the temple with John's gun that I took for self-defense. Nothing really." I walked past where dad and John were standing and winked before going over to Uriah.

Uriah was shaking as I sat next to him. "Why didn't you leave me? It would've been easier and safer. He'll kill you for making a fool of him." I laughed, "Okay i have three reasons why that's not going to happen. First he's in custody, second he hasn't got any resources, and lastly if he does I'll kill him first. Got it?" "This just a part of his game, Lilly. He knew you'd come for me and get angry when he tried to keep me. He's right where he wants to be." "He's unconcious and handcuffed to a police car. Also I'll be there to testify at his hearing he'll be forced to leave the country for sure. We don't need to worry anymore. We'll be alright, okay?" I was genuinely worried about him ever  since when he gave me my gift he's been jumpy and depressed. Moriarty was going to pay for what he'd done to my sweet big brother. It was my turn to play the role of older sibling. 

I walked over to a now concious Moriarty and slammed him against the car he was cuffed to, "What did you do to Uriah?" I leaned in towards him and smiled,  "I suggest you tell me or I can arrange for an accident to not only to kill you, but everyone else close to you and whoever else I feel like. Sound farmiliar?" My smile turned into a snarl, "Tell me now." Dad came over and grabbed me, "What are you doing? Normally I would let you pummel Moriarty, but this is getting out of hand." "He's done something to Uriah and I plan to figure out just what that is." I whisper in his ear so that Moriarty doesn't hear. He nodds and says, "They have to question him don't they? We can arrange for you to... help out." He smiled as Moriarty looked up at him terrified. I smiled sweetly at him and left to talk to John.

Sherlock P.O.V.

We all went home and ate dinner as a family. Toward the end of the meal I realized something was wrong. Uriah was jumpy and pale, "Uriah are you feeling okay?" "Ya, I'm fine. I think I'll just go to bed." He got up and left without another word.

The next morning was the day that Lilly was going to question Moriarty, so she left early. I went to the room they shared and found Uriah sprawled out on his back snoring. "Uriah, come on get up we've got things to do." He mumbled incoherentally into his pillow as he rolled over pulling his covers over his head. I laugh and pulled the covers off his head as he hissed at the brightness of the room around him. 

Lilly's P.O.V.

I got to the yard and a guard disarmed and led me down a beige hallway to a room with one way glass so Lestrade could observe and take notes. I walk in and Moriarty looks up at me and smiles, "Hello Sweetie, how's your brother?" I smile at him, "Just fine, great actually." I answer smuggly. He scowls,"Come to beat me up again I see." "Oh, no. I'm here to find out the truth. Okay I'm going to beat you up yes, but your going to tell me what you've been doing to my brother in the past few months." I lean in close and he recoils. "Why would I tell you anything?" "Because the more you tell me the less it will hurt. M'kay?" I go around the table and grab Moriarty pull him out of his chair and slam him against the wall with a satisfying-THUD! "I just  told him my plan that's all. My plan for you, my plan for your daddy, and my plan for him." He laughed maniacally I punched him hard in the face, "Tell me now or I will have fun breaking your arm." "Fine, for your dad i want him dead, of course, but for you I like you you don't necissarily need to die. I want you to be my live in pet like what John is to your dad. Uriah is just a pawn to me a loose end. I've already broken him and killing him is the next step. As we speak there are snipers taking positions to shoot him. There's nothing you can do to stop it." He started laughing and I puncheed him hard in the gut, tears stinging my eyes, but he kept laughing. I turned and ran, I needed to get to Uriah before they did.

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