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Juliet POV

"Ciel where are you?" I said. Ciel and I were playing hide and go seek while his parents were discussing business, I had to watch and play with Ciel which I didn't mind. I loved playing with him, he was like my little brother and I his beloved big sister.
"Come out, come out wherever you are." I see a bush slightly moving, I sneak up close to it. "Oh where could that boy be?" I say as I come up behind the bush without him knowing. "BOO!" I yell scaring Ciel, he screams and jumps, but after realizing it's just me he laughs and jumps into my arms smiling that adorable smile I just love so much.

Ciel POV

I was hiding behind one of the bushes in our garden. "She'll never find me here hehe." I thought trying to not laugh. "Ciel where are you?" Juliet said. I love playing with her she's so much fun, especially when my parents are busy she just tells me let's go outside and play your favorite game. I'm so happy with her, she's like my big sister. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Juliet said, "Oh she's getting closer." I thought as I accidentally moved in my hiding spot making the bush slightly move. "Oh where could that boy be?" She said as I tried to see how close she is, but when I looked she wasn't there. "Hmmmmm where is she?" I thought as......"BOO!" She yelled behind me. I screamed and jumped at the sound, when I turned around and saw Juliet kneeling there behind me I laughed and jumped into her arms hugging her while smiling. I love her like an older sister. "Im so glad she's here with me, I never want her to leave me." I thought as I was still hugging her and smiling.

Juliet POV

While I was hugging Ciel his father came out and was looking for us. "Ciel, Juliet where are you two?" He said. I had an idea and told Ciel "Want to scare your father, Ciel?" I told him. His eyes lite up and he smiled nodding his head agreeing with me. We both started sneaking up to Vincent and right as we got behind him "BOO!!" We both screamed behind him as he jumped and turned around looking at both of us smiling and saying 'that we got him good'. "Come inside both of you, Ciel your mother wants to see you." He says to us as we get up and walk back inside the manor. As we walk in Vincent grabs my arm and holds me back as Ciel keeps walking ahead of us. "I need to speak with you, come with me." He says and walks to his study as I follow behind.

In the study (still Juliet POV)

As I walk in the study Vincent tells me to 'take a seat' and which I did as I was told and sat down. "What is it you wanted to tell me Sir." I told him while catching the worry look in his eyes. "I called you here to tell you to look after my son, will you Juliet?" He tells me with a hint of worry in his tone of voice. I look at him confused as to why he said that like he was never going to come back.

As a reminder I do not own Black Butler or any of their characters. I only own my OC Juliet. All rights go to their respective owners

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