Let the games begin part II

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So sorry 😐 about not updating sooner I really am. I've been having club activities going on and I needed to get it done ✅ so I'm trying to update sooner. But thank you 😊 thank you so much for still reading what I have.
Now on with the story.

Ciel POV (in the drawing room)

After dinner my guest and I decided to head back to the drawing room to discuss 'business'. "That was a thoroughly enjoyable dinner, my lord. Now then, about the contract..." "Before we discuss that, we must finish the game." I so rudely interrupted. "Ah, yes of course. I do have a pressing-a appointment, perhaps another ti..." Mr. Damiano stuttered to me. 'Heh, he can't hide the truth from me anymore'
"Children can be very demanding about their games. Surely you wouldn't want me to get upset." I smirk at him as I said this to him. "No, no of course not. Perhaps you would permit me to use your telephone?" At this we hear a knock on the door and Sebastian comes in with refreshments. Mr. Damiano leaves to go use the telephone while Sebastian pours my drink. "What is this? It smells terribly weak." I say to him. He tells me it's Italian tea and say that they drink coffee more than tea so that's why it's weak. "This particular selection is not to your liking, master?" He asks me. "No, it is not. I don't like it at all." As I said this I swear I saw his image in my cup. "I'll see to the dessert preparations." He says. "Good. We must show him every available hospitality. The Phantomhive family is known for its courtesy." I say. "Yes, my young lord." As he says that his eyes turn demonic pink.

Juliet POV (finally!!!!!!😄)

As I was laying in bed I hear most of the conversation that was going on with Ciel and that one guy I heard was named Mr. Damiano. I decided to investigate there is something I do not trust anything about this man and his intentions were false. I followed him to the phone room where he was talking to someone I guess one of his associates.
"I'm-a tired of-a babysitting this-a child earl. Yes, I've already sold off the factory. Now all that's left is to pocket the extra cash. I'm trying to squeeze more out of the brat right now. The employees? Who cares about them? Ah...! Never mind. The rest of the formalities are for you to deal with. No, it'll be easy. Please, he's only a child." I heard him say. I was furious, how dare he insult my precious little boy. 'I'll show him not to mess with my precious boy.' With that thought I decided to show him who's he's messing with.
(Little time skip)
I watched him as he was walking down the hallway pass the main portrait. That's when I use a little bit of my power to 'trick' him into seeing things that 'wasn't' there.
"Ah...! Impossible... I'm seeing things." He shuddered.
Using a little more of my power I disguise my voice to be Ciel's instead, "Bewitched by the eyes of the dead."
"Ah... No, that's ridiculous."
He rubbed his eyes thinking that he saw a ghost he wasn't that far off I mean that he is see something it's just my powers that he's seeing. Now he's walking down the hallway getting lost if I may add, but I can't blame him if I was human I would get lost to my first time alone.
"Huh. Not here either. Or here... This manor is like a giant maze. I can't even find the drawing room." Mr. Damiano says. No shit, Sherlock I just said it would be hard to navigate through.
Time for some more fun.
"Bewitched by the eyes of the dead."
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!, STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!" He screams while running down the hallway.
"Hahahahaha" I'm laughing my head off at this. "It's been awhile since I've had some kind of fun happen to me."
Walking down the hallway to catch up with our 'guest' I see two boys walking down the hallway carrying the family portrait. 'Why, why would they take it down, did Ciel order them too' so many memories came flooding back to me, but got interrupted by the boys.
"That's odd. Was that our guest I heard just now?" The one with the gardening hat on so I'm assuming he's the new gardener. "Hey! We need to move this, or Sebastian will start yellin' again!" The older man said with an American accent. 'Sebastian? who is Sebastian? And why would he yell at them what did they do.' The little one agreed to him and let me just say that he was adorable doing it.
Walking away from the American man and adorable gardener. I found myself close to the main stairwell where I saw another person this was a girl and she looked like the maid here. 'Strange there doesn't seem to be any other workers here beside those three and someone named Sebastian?'
"Oh, how embarrassing! Oh, I really messed up this time! Oh, but at least I was able to get close to Sebastian! Oh, what a shameful day it all! What kind of lecherous maid am I?" She said while waving her arms around with a broom and bucket in hand. Speaking of bucket ones coming right at me. Eeeeeeeppppp!!!!! I caught it before it hit me in the face. I hear some footsteps coming down the hallway and they sound like their running. I already know who it is and I have an idea in mind with this bucket.
"You lose one turn." I say in my Ciel voice. While I place the bucket right where I wanted it. After that I walked away but as I did I felt a dark presence with me. I stay alert but not before I hear his reaction.
"Huff,huff... Aghhhh!" I smirk at this.

Sebastian POV (during the whole pranking game)

Our guest was gone for some time and I was going to look for him. While looking for him I sensed another presence besides our guest or the three idiots. This one was pure light.
"Bewitched by the eyes of the dead." I hear my masters voice say but I know it's not him, so who is it. Right after that I heard our guest scream and I do say it made me chuckle. "Hahahaha" I hear a female laugh, 'apparently I'm not the only one to find it funny' I walk around and stopped what I saw in front of me was something that made me feel like my stomach was doing flips.
Right in front of me was a girl, no a lady, that had the most adorable laugh I've ever heard, and she's laughing at our guest. 'Hmmmm this girl is strange but something about her intrigues me'
I follow her around the hallway keeping a good distance between us I see her stop and look at something then I hear two of the idiots talking. When I hear Finny talking she had this look in her eye that made something inside me beat faster and also something that made me mad like I should be the one making her look at me Mr like that. After that she starts walking down the hallway coming up on the main staircase where she saw Mey-Rin and of course she was speaking nonsense again about me.
Before I knew it a bucket came flying at the girl I was about to intervene but she caught it and as that happened I hear footsteps running down the hallway and she hears it too and smiles then places the bucket down and walks away. 'What is she doing?' Then I see her speaking and she sounds like my master. Ah, so she's the one behind all that's happening to our guest. Our guest comes running down and lands in the bucket and falls down the stairs. While he was in pain and the servants were confronting him about it our female guest starts talking again and not in her voice.
"And now you lose one leg in the enchanted forest." She says just like my young master, did she listen in on my master game.
Our guest is limping away and she is gone well I'm not going to let her have all the fun.
(Tiny time skip kitchen)
Mr. Damiano was crawling down the hallway to the kitchen where I was as you would say chasing him but not really. "Surly you aren't leaving the manor yet, sir? We haven't given you the full Phantomhive treatment yet. We still have to serve dessert.'
'You've lost a leg, remember? Now you can only move half the number of spaces. So why not just relax a bit and make yourself at home?" I say trying to scare him but same time show him the Phantomhive hospitality. He just keeps limping away till he gets to the kitchen.
Once I get to the kitchen I stay quiet,
"Damn, It's too dark. Is this a cupboard? Damn, these are really tight quarters. What's this...? Smells like sugar." I hear him say I knew where he was and now I'm going to play along.
"What an impatient guest we have. You couldn't even restrain yourself until dessert was out of the oven?" I say to him while smirking.
He starts to freak out and I just calmly listing the desserts that we have that are uncommon for him when I heard that voice again.
"Your body is burnt by raging flames."
After that Mr. Damiano scream very loud I think it was heard all over London.
(Time skip to backyard)
After that fiasco I decided to be nice to the idiots and give them dessert and told Bard to tell the worker tomorrow to clean the oven. I walked away talking to myself "Mr. Damiano, I hope you enjoyed your stay, and the Phantomhive family hospitality, all the way down to your bones." I hear him scream again I chuckle at this.

Ciel POV (drawing room)

I heard his screams and I chuckle at this. "Humph, ha ha ha. What an unattractive scream. He sounds almost like a pig taken off to slaughter. Humph, What presumption, first he sells the East Indian factory without telling me, and then he dares to ask for more money? Did he think to retain my trust?"
I look at the board and move my piece to the happy ending.
"I'm afraid once something is truly lost, one can never get it back again."
And I knock it over.
'There is no such thing as a happy ending'

Sebastian POV (main staircase)

I walk down the hallway, down the stairs and I stop to see the faded wallpaper.
"It would appear we'll be needing to hang new wallpaper as well."
After I said that the main room changed to where I'm seeing my young master but younger and his family.
"Mama! Papa!" Younger master says.
I snap my fingers and it's gone.
"The new head of the Phantomhive estate, hah."
"That's correct." I heard a female say I look up at the top of the stairs was the same girl before that made me feel strange on the inside just like that night so long ago.
"And don't think that I don't know who or 'what' you are." She says to me and walks away. 'Hmmmm so she knows what I am this is going to be fun'

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