Underground Ritual

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Juliet POV

It's been too long, but I finally was able to heal my wounds and start looking for Ciel.  Being his guardian angel and all I was able to track him by his soul. Believe it or not demons smell the taste of their souls, but a guardian angel can hear their soul and the song it plays depending on what's going on with its host. For Ciel I heard a dark eerie song and the sound itself was bringing me to tears and made me feel sick to my stomach. "What is happening to you Ciel, I'm coming please be safe." I told myself and started following the dark eerie song to God knows where.

Ciel POV

I don't know how long I was here or where here was, but I was locked in a cage hearing them chant something I can't really make out. I wasn't the only one here though there was a bunch of children here with me some are older and some are younger than me. 'Juliet where are you, please come find me.' was my only thought at the moment. Where was she, I hope she's alright and gets me out of this horrid place.

"It's time to start the ritual." One of the men in a dark cloak said. He grabbed a child, a little girl, and placed her on the table. Many other people in dark cloaks surrounded her and started chanting again. I couldn't see what was happening to her but the chanting got louder and I heard her scream so loud I covered my ears and cried. 'Juliet please come save me' I thought as I kept hearing her screaming.

One by one they would take a child and do same thing over and over again. "Tsh! This isn't working what are we doing wrong." One of the cloaked figures said. I wasn't caring what they were trying to do as just wanted out of here. "Get that boy and bring him here now. We still have one last chance at this." He said and then they were coming to my cage. "I don't care who it is just someone save me please! JULIET!" I yelled in my head.

Juliet POV

The song of his soul was getting louder and louder meaning I was getting closer to him. It also was sounding more eerie making me worry more at what was happening to him. "Ciel I'm coming, please don't die on me please!" I thought as I flew as fast I could to him I was going to make whoever took him pay for everything he did to him. Following the eerie song I saw what looked like an abandoned mansion. "I'm coming Ciel, I'm coming." I said flying closer to the abandoned mansion.

Little time skip to the ritual room

After I followed the song I found myself in a ritual room. The dark feeling was consuming me, making me feel weak and dizzy. I knew what this room was, it was a 'Satanic ritual room' where people who are devil worshippers who would sacrifice animals or people to please the Devil. In this case, they were trying to summon a demon.

Getting a good look around the room I saw something that made me fall to my knee in anger and sadness. I saw Ciel in a cage looking weak and crying. He was in pain, so much pain, I only felt sad, angry, and most of all guilty. Guilty that I didn't come sooner or better yet not let this happen at all. 'This is all my fault, My fault that he's sad and crying, My fault that he's in pain, and My fault that he's giving up on me. Me he's guardian angel.' I thought to myself as I was on my knees crying at what he's feeling and what he's been through.
Another part of my book done. Please tell me how you liked it or didn't. If you didn't like it let me know why and I'll try and fix it for you. Please and thanks you. Also thank you for reading my book and again I don't own Black Butler or any of its characters just my OC Juliet.

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