Summoning a demon

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Just watching him being treated like that was bad enough, but to not be able to do anything about it was worse. I was so weak because of all the dark energy that was in the room. 'I have to do something to get him out of there no matter how weak I am' was my only thought that matter at this moment.

What happened next I was never prepared for they took Ciel out of the cage and placed him on the table in the center, holding him down. He was being treated worse than any animal, and what was I doing, trying to not die from all the dark energy that was surrounding me.

Ciel POV

'Where is she, where are you Juliet' this was my thought as I was being treated worse than any animal that you could think of. I was held down by these people in dark cloaks I could hear them muttering about if this was going to work or this better work and stuff along those lines.

"It's time to brand him." One of those guys say. 'Branded me, what are they talking about, I'm scared' was my thought as they were coming closer to me with a hot metal stick. 'NO NO PLEASE NO' ..."AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as the metal touched my skin it burned so much it felt like my body was on fire. 'Please someone, anyone get me out of here, save me'

Juliet POV

I couldn't take it anymore just watching him be tortured like this, worse than you would torture an animal, worse than you would torture slaves, if I wasn't so weak I would murder all these people and rescue Ciel. They were using Ciel, my Ciel, along with other children to try and summon a demon.

'Get up and save him, do it now no matter how weak you are, SAVE HIM, SAVE CIEL' my mind was yelling at me to move and save him, but my body was too weak to do so. It didn't matter how strong my mined was I couldn't save him alone. I needed help and I have enough power to get the help from the beings I despised the most. Demons.

????? POV (I bet we all know who it is ;P)

Hell thats where I was, just a dark hot pit filled with demons just waiting to get out. I have been alive for so long and Hell still looks the same as ever. I won't admit it but I am actually one of the demons who wants to get out fest on some souls but I can't do that unless I make a contact with a human, I grant their wish and they let me feed on the soul when it is granted. I don't know how long I was wandering hell when I felt like I was being pulled down. 'I didn't think there was anything deeper then Hell itself' this was my thought as I was slowly seeping down in further. 'Oh really, well there is a place further deeper than your so called Hell, and I need your help' what was that, or better yet who was that. It sounded so peaceful yet weak like whoever was saying that was dying, and dying fast.

Little time skip (in deeper than Hell)

Darkness, that's all I saw, I didn't know where I was or who brought me here, but I saw something bright coming towards me 'should I run but where would I run in this black pit' was my thought as this bright light kept coming closer and closer to me. "Please don't run I need your help." Said a voice that sounded so pure and sweet, but also weak and desperate. The light turned into a pure white bird, a dove, when I saw it a weird feeling came over me and  I didn't know what this feeling was, but my heart felt like it was beating faster when this dove came close to me. "Who are you?" I ask the dove wondering where did it came from and who it was. "I am someone who is in need of your help demon. I am weak right now an getting weaker the more I stay here, but please hear me out I need you to save my master please" "Tsh, why should I help you, what do I get in return?" I answered back to the voice I wasn't going to help whatever it is just cause, doesn't it know that I'm a demon we don't do anything for free you know. "Very well you may have one thing in in return, but now I have enough power to get you out of hell so you can save my master. Thank you." The voice said and just like that I'm vanishing.

Time skip to the ritual room

Chanting is what I heard when I came to. Dark energy was surrounding me it made me feel stronger, more powerful than before. I looked around and saw humans in dark cloaks surrounding a table 'someone, anyone help us, save me' I heard a child say I looked some more and saw cages with children in them, most were dead but one child still looked alive, but in pain and suffering. A little boy with dark black and blue hair, with big blue eyes looking like he was on the verge of death and giving up.
"Are you the one who called me, such a young master I say." I said to the little boy getting closer to him. Humans around me looking shocked and asking themselves if one of them summoned me. The little boy just looked at me nodding his head saying that he did, but the voice I heard was of someone who had a pure, sweet innocent voice that was weak and desperate telling me to save it's master. This boy was definitely weak and desperate to get free but his soul is not sweet and innocent but is pure just not that voice's pure meaning he wasn't the one that summoned me but the one I was supposed to save. "Do you wish to make a contract with me boy if you do the gates of paradise are forever out of your reach?" I question the boy. Like I said I don't do anything for free I always get something in return. "Yes!, just get me out of here." He said to me (we all know how the actual contract was made but I did this to spare time) "Very well, I must put my mark on you I warn you the more visible the mark is the stronger it's hold is to me." I tell him "I don't care where it is just put it somewhere and get me out of here." He says. He definitely is a brat, but brat or not I'll have his soul no matter what and I just know where to put it. "How about your eye?" I reach my hand through the bars and grab his right eye. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screams oh the sound of pure screams of pain makes me smile. Out of the cage the boy tells me his name is Ciel Phantomive and that he is the head of the Phantomive company "Now I need a name from you my master, what would you like to call me?" I question Ciel after I helped free him of the cage and murdered all the dark cloaked humans. I felt as if someone was still breathing looking around I saw someone on the ground slowly breathing like they were asleep. I got a closer look at the person or should I say angel, right there lying on the floor slowly breathing was the person who brought me deeper than Hell, who ask for my help, who summoned me out of Hell, the white, pure, sweet, innocent dove is none other than that girl right there a guardian angel. Turning back to Ciel still shocked on the inside of what I just saw, but made sure my face never showed it and feeling that same feeling I had when she appeared in the form of a dove and asked for my help, that feeling of my heart beating faster.
"I shall call you Sebastian."

Gosh that was my longest chapter sorry it took so long I had school, club meetings and homework to do but I finally got a break and finished this chapter I'll try and update more sooner than this sorry about that. Anyway thank you so much for reading my book I don't own Black Butler or it's characters just my OC Juliet.

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