Young master

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Btw when you see any words in BOLD then that means it's Sebastian in his demon form talking. In his human form it will be normal text alright.
Thanks just wanted to say that now on to the chapter.


Sebastian POV

I was walking to my young master's room to wake him up we have important business meetings to attend. First though I'm going to pay a visit to that mysterious angel. I still want to know how and why she summoned me, it makes no sense to me what do ever how she was able to summon me with how weak she really was. If she was able to summon me, a very high class powerful demon, in that weak state how powerful is she really?
I went quietly into her room, I would knock but I didn't want to wake her up.
I walked up next to her bed and stared at her she looked so peaceful in her sleep. 'She's so beautiful, WAIT what why did I say she's beautiful STOP IT SEBASTIAN you can't be falling for her when you don't know anything about her like how dangerous and powerful she is.' I scolded myself for even think that, instead of staying by her side I left to go wake up my young master.

Ciel POV

I was sleeping soundly in my large comfortable bed when I hear the curtains drawn open. "Young master it's time to wake up." Said none other than my butler. "For breakfast today, we have a lightly poached salmon accompanied by a delicate mint salad. I can also offer toast, scones, or pain de campagne. Which dish would you care for this morning?"
"A scone." I replied back to him.
"Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire. And this evening, Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit." Sebastian said to me while I was drinking my morning tea listening to this conversation thoroughly.
"Oh, is that the man I have in charge of stuffed animals at my factory in India?" I asked even though I already knew he was. "Yes, I'm told that he's Italian. Although, we will still show him all the hospitality that we give." Sebastian said while putting on my shoes. Once he was finished he got and told me he would wait for me at the dining table. I put my tea down and picked up one of my darts and threw it at him.
"Well thrown, my lord. Even so, let's save the games for later." He say after he caught it between his fingers.
"Yes, I suppose you're right, Sebastian."

Juliet POV

I was laying in bed it took almost two years to recover from that night. I used to much of my power to try and help Ciel that I don't know if his ok. 'I hope he's ok I will do anything to protect him' I thought to myself. I wanted to get up and see if he was for myself but my head still hurts. "Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire. And this evening, Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit." I heard Sebastian say from the room down the hall. I think I'll wait to check up on Ciel till after his meetings.

Sebastian POV

I was walking around to try and find the rest of the servants. I could hear Finny in pain of some sort coming from the dining room.
"There you are! Have you finished weeding the courtyard, Finny? Mey-Rin, have you washed all the beddings? Baldroy, shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner? Tanaka... well, I suppose you're all right as you are.
Now all of you, we have no time for thumb twiddling this morning.
SO GET TO WORK!" I said to them in a demanding voice. They all seem to be afraid and scurried out of here like a frightened mouse being chased by a cat. "Simply hopeless." I muttered to myself.

Tiny time skip brought to you by Sebastian's butter knives

"The silver is polished to a spotless shine. The tablecloth is crisp, clean and wrinkle-free. There is not a single bruised blossom among Master's favorite white roses. And finally, the highest quality ingredients have been gathered to prepare a first-rate dinner. The table is perfection. This will be an elegant Phantomhive welcome." I told myself while getting most of the needs done. I hear the bell ring to the young master's study.
"Still so much to do and he calls me now." I sighed heading out the door from the kitchen to go to my masters study.

Finny POV

We watched Sebastian leave to go tend to the young master. When Bard made the comment "A guest is comin'. All right, then this is our chance. Sebastian looks down on us all the time. Today we will be so perfect he won't even know what 'it 'im. "Ah!". Yeah, that's what he is gonna say." Meyrin and I mimic his 'Ah!' cause we wanted to feel how Sebastian would react.
"That's for him to say, not you." Bard replied with an annoyed look on his face. Meyrin looked excited and said  "Oh, That's a good idea."
"Right, we have to stop relying on Sebastian for everything." I replied determined to try my hardest.
"It's settled then, we got a plan of attack!" Bard said military like.
"LET'S GET TO IT!" We all said together.

Sebastian POV

I was in Ciel's study in front of his desk waiting for his orders.
"I'm a bit hungry. I'd like something sweet to eat." He said to me. I was a little irritated about his request, he made me stop all my work and prepping for a dessert. "You shouldn't eat now, Master. You don't want to spoil your appetite for dinner with your guest this evening." I said in a calm voice to hide my irritation. "I don't care about that. Make me a parfait." he replied. "I'm sorry sir" I said not letting him have his way. 
"Tch, Fine then. About the portrait in the hallway..." he said little mad at me for not giving in to his demand. "Yes" I said casually. "Take it down. I am Ciel Phantomhive, son of Vincent, and I am the head of the house now." He told me in a determined yet demanding type of voice which made me smile. "Consider it done, my lord." I said putting my hand over my heart and bowing. Afterwards I was walking down the hall I look out the windows and I'm shocked the whole garden is ruined. I walk a little more ways in the hallway and see broken dishes everywhere. I was getting very irritated at this moment, but when I reached the kitchen I was beyond mad all of the food I'd prep was now burnt to a crisp. I walk out and see the servants standing there looking guilty as ever.
"Now, how exactly did this happen?" I questioned them. "I thought things would go faster if I used extra strength weed-killer on the garden." Finny said to me. "I was trying to reach the tea set we use for guests, but I tripped and the cabinet fell!" Meyrin exclaimed.
"There was a lot of meat to be cooked for dinner, and it was gonna take a long time, so uh, I used me flamethrower." Bard said casually yet guilty. They each looked like they were shrinking while I was getting taller and more mad.
Meyrin and Finny exclaimed "Oh~, we're so sorry. We didn't mean to."
'Our guest will arrive just after 6. At most we have two hours left. Not enough time to replace the tea set or find premium meats. What should I do?' I thought to myself for a moment.
"Calm down, all of you. Perhaps you should try taking a page out of Tanaka's book, and start behaving like..." I stopped an idea hit me.
"Everyone. Listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We must be quick about this. We might save this night yet."

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