Let the games begin

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Sebastian POV

The servants and I were waiting for the carriage to pull up. When it did I opened the door and Mr. Damiano stepped out, "Oh, how impressive!" He said shocked. The servants lined up and said "Hello, welcome, sir." to our guest, while he was shocked by our garden. "This is called a stone garden. It is a traditional feature in Japan." I clarified for him. He responds a little too excitedly, "Ah, prodigioso! Wonderful! Truly an elegant garden."
"We thought it appropriate to serve dinner al fresco this evening. Allow me to escort you inside until the meal is ready." I told him casually as we were walking to the manor. "Ha ha ha, I should have expected this from a Phantomhive. I cannot wait to see what else is in store!" Mr. Damiano praised as he walk into the manor with Tanaka.
With our guest in the manor the servants were in amazement and relief. "Phew, We actually did it." sighed Bard wiping his forehead with his arm. "Who would've thought a dozen box of gravel could turn into an amazing garden?" Praised Finny with amazement as he stared at the garden with delight.
"Naturally we were able to handle this. We serve the Phantomhive family after all. There's still work to be done. Let's take care of it while the master is talking business with his guest. Look sharp now." I said casually walking to the manor to prepare the rest we need for tonight. The rest of the staff stood up straight and replied back "RIGHT!"

Ciel POV

I waiting in the Drawer room for my guest to come talk business with me. When I heard a knock on the door I replied come in and I see Tanaka come in with our guest Mr. Damiano. I motion him to come take a seat across from me so we may begin. When we were settled down he wasted no time to getting right down to business.
"The progress we've been making with the East India Factory is quite astonishing. We already have the makings of a top-notch staff." To be honest I didn't really care yes I know they are a top notch staff why you think I hired them you twit. "Bewitched by the eyes of the dead. What terrible luck. It appears I lose a turn." I said to him not really caring for this conversation.
"Right now is the perfect time. We should begin expanding the company and building a strong labor force, it would--" Before he could finish I cut him off "Go on. It's your turn." I said.
"Oh, yes. I just spin this then.
Okay there, five spaces. Now, what I wanted to ask you. Perhaps you could contribute another 12,000 pounds to support our expansion? I believe it will be quite a profitable venture for you, my lord, and I would consider it an honor to help expand the Funtom Company..." Ugh he still going on about this I can already tell what he's planning and I won't have it. "Lose a leg in the enchanted forest. And it's your turn again. I lost a turn, remember?" "Oh, I see. Right, I move six." "You don't. That's three." I corrected him. "What? But..." "You lost a leg, if you recall. Now you only move half the number of spaces." I replied correcting him again.
"Oh my, ha ha ha ha. This is a gruesome-a board game, isn't it? Is there-a no way for me to restore my leg, then?" He casually said like it was a game. "I'm afraid once something is truly lost, sir, that one can never get it back again. Your body is burnt by raging flames." I said to him in a casual yet frightening kind of tone.

Sebastian POV (in the kitchen)

I was walking towards the kitchen to check up on the servants. "How is it going?" I said to them once I got there.
"I'm doin' it like you said to. Is this really what you want?" Bard replied. He was cutting up the meat that he burnt crisp earlier today into thin slices. "Yes, that looks excellent." I said as I heard running down the hall. I look an see Mey-rin running down the hallway with very fragile boxes.
"Sebastian! Found 'em! Aah!" She exclaimed while she tripped over her own laces making all the boxes fly in the air. I moved fast and caught every single one of them along with her in my arm. "Oh, honestly. How many times have I told you not to run inside the manor, Mey-Rin?" I slightly scolded her. She quickly scurries back and replies with "I'm so sorry, sir! My glasses cracked and I can't see a thing!" I kick up the last box landing it safely in the top of the stack. "These are the last items we needed for dinner. Splendid work, everyone. And now I believe you can leave the rest of it to me and relax for a bit. But I need you to do well, very well, during dinner tonight."

Juliet POV

I heard a lot of racket out in the halls, but I was still too weak to even move a muscle. 'I hope he's okay' I thought to myself. just then I saw a carriage stroll up to the manor.              
"Hmmmm, seems his guest has arrived, I wounder how it will go." I told myself.
I turned my head slightly and lifting it up when I thought to myself, 'hey I can move my head a little bit, I'm getting my strength back little by little' maybe just maybe I'll get all my strength back.

Sebastian POV

I was just finishing preparations for tonight's dinner and while I was making my way to the drawing room I walked passed her room. I waited there for a little bit thinking of how much power is she really capable of if she's been asleep and resting for two years.

Tiny time skip

At the drawing room I knocked then entered.
"Pardon the interruption, but dinner is served." I said interrupting their important business meeting.
"Oh, dinning out in that exquisite stone garden? Shall we go, my lord." Mr. Damiano says.
"Very well, we'll finish the game later." My young master replied.
"Oh, is there any real need to finish it? It's obvious I'ma going to lose."
"I'm not in the habit of abandoning games halfway through."
"How childish." Mr. Damiano whispers to himself though I definitely heard him and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, for my young master gives him a glare of death that would send anyone six feet under if looks could kill. 
"Oh I, I mean that sometimes it takes a child's eyes to see what's really important. It's a true gift. Maybe that's what's made the Phantomhives the nation's foremost toy makers. It certainly impresses me!" He says trying to cover up for his rudely mistake.

Time skip to dinner yay foooood!!

"On tonight's menu is a dish of
finely-sliced raw beef donburi courtesy of our chef Baldroy." I introduced for our guest.
I opened the dish to our guest and he stared at it like it was going to come out and eat him, oh how I wish it would.
"A pile of raw beef. And this is dinner?" He questioned.
So, to humor him I went on a full on explanation, "Yes, but surely you have heard of it? This, good sir, is a traditional Japanese delicacy, a dish offered as a sign of gratitude to someone who has accomplished important work. That, sir, is the wonder of donburi!" Ending with a dramatic pose on the ocean, that's right I'm just that good, and Mr. Damiano in the background being swept away by the waves walling "Oh, Donburi!!!!!!"
"This is a token from our master, to show his thanks for all your hard work on the company's behalf. He wanted you to know that it's much appreciated." I finished the explanation to him while he himself was still in shock.
After hearing compliments from the bush Mr. Damiano finally came out of shock saying, "Excellent, what an inspired idea! The legendary Phantomhive hospitality in action!" He praised while my lord was still eating enjoying the food.
I went on to explaining the drink we are having, "The vintage we are pouring tonight was specially selected to compliment the flavor of soy sauce." I said to our guest while motioning to Mey-rin, who is in fact standing there like a fool, how not surprising. I decided to give her another sign,
"Mey-Rin. Now, Mey-Rin."
She jumps up saying yes sir, still not moving, this is irritating.
"Why are you just standing there? Pour the man a glass of wine."
She again says yes sir and finally, she slowly makes her way over to Mr. Damiano.
She looks like she's fidgeting, hell knows why, then the unthinkable happened









She spilled the wine on the table cloth that I worked really hard on :/.
I saw the wine spilling over the table an a drop falling down. I took immediate action and pulled the table cloth off slowly without knocking over anything and Mr. Damiano finished eating was in shock to see it gone he questioned us saying where did it go.
My young lord covered up by saying,
"A speck of dirt, most unsightly. I had the cloth removed so it wouldn't distract us. Think nothing of it."
"Please accept my apologies, sir. Do continue. Enjoy the meal at your leisure." I jumped in saying.
Once again he goes on to praising us, and it's starting to bug me, telling my young master that he's showing his hospitality again and that I'm an able butler, not that I don't mind the compliment.
"Pay him no mind. He merely act as befits one of my servants." I hear my young lord say.
"My master is quite correct about that. Naturally, you see, I am simply one hell of a butler." I tell him giving him one of my amusing smirks.

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